Ok so I hit depression hard somewhere between March and May. - TopicsExpress


Ok so I hit depression hard somewhere between March and May. Things were not going in ways that I expected. You know the not get out of bed till 2 in the afternoon to go to the bathroom then right back. That kind. During this time I learned half of my family was going to move 700 miles away from Minnesota to the great buckeye state of Ohio. I was just getting into opening one show and into another without a moment to spare. I decided to follow the half of my family to Ohio just to give myself a short hiatus away from home and support my younger siblings and mom. It was absolutely the right choice for me. Sadly right before I left I needed to end a long term relationship with a great girl. We ended on good terms but I knew that things wouldnt be the same. However being with my family, who I have lived away from for the past year, began to lift my spirits. Getting big hugs from an 8, 10 12 and 14 year old ever day was a pretty great feeling. I was in Ohio for a month. When my dad came to visit in Ohio, out of desperation on my end and his, being that I hadnt yet found a job in Ohio, my dad asked me to return to Winona area and work for him in his furniture store. I did that for about a month. I developed great friendships and was able to give myself a new scenery in a beautiful part of the state. While there I got a call from an employer in Ohio asking me to come back and fill in an opening come September. I accepted the offer and decided to move back to Ohio. This is where it gets confusing. The part of my family that was in Ohio moved back to Minnesota to begin school and sports. I have some pretty crazy talented siblings and they are interested in so many things. I have a brother who can tare a trumpet song to pieces, another brother who finished off his senior year of football, a sister who ran cross country, and another who decided to try something new and dip her feet into competitive swimming. Wow these kids are crazy. When they moved back to Minnesota I moved back to Ohio. I got to live with my awesome Aunt and eat her food and watch movies on her big tv and work third shift at my new job. I pulled quite a few 24 hour days of consciousness. I planned to be in Ohio till December. With my time away I was able to begin mending and building up old friendships and starting new ones in Minnesota and Ohio. I got to hang out with cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents that I have lived so far away from for so long. I loved getting into their interests and talents. I watched a few football games there. I chaperoned and middle school dance. We even went and saw a show. It all was some much needed family bonding time. My friends from Minnesota would ask when are you coming home? The ones that I talked to a lot already know whats coming next. Im coming home as fast as I can! would be my usual response. However, before I left for Ohio the first time a spark of light was thrown into my view. This beautiful girl expressed a small interest in me and I in her. All thanks to a few great Disney FROZEN songs. The conversing into late hours of the night led to a wonderful infatuation. So while talking to her she asked me the question of when I was coming home. I gave my usual response, but this time I thought Am I really coming home as fast as I can? I sprang into looking and finding a job in Minnesota where I now am working in a warehouse moving furniture full time and I am back to teaching swimming lessons again. I have three roommates who had already found a home for me to move into and everything began to fall into place. I moved back and saw my family in Winona for a few days and then up to the cities. I finally saw the beautiful girl that I moved states for. I saw Minnesota in a whole new light. Minnesota is my HOME. I have been home for two weeks and I am unbelievably happy with the new relationships and friends I have made in the last 6 month. I will miss my friends and family back in Ohio but the Twin Cities is where my heart is. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers and wonderful people who reached out to talk to me all during this time. You make me so happy.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 23:15:00 +0000

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