I happily voted for Barbara Buono today, but it was as much a vote - TopicsExpress


I happily voted for Barbara Buono today, but it was as much a vote against Chris Christie. Here are three reasons why: 1. For all of Christie’s promises about cutting taxes, my taxes went up every year since he became governor. I live in a modest, three bedroom suburban house (nothing fancy) and pay over $13,000 in property taxes each year. But, I can overlook that for the right reasons and to empower the right leader. Christie is not that leader. I only mention it to ground his rhetoric to reality. 2. Governor Christie does not care about me and people like me. His veto of gay marriage told me that he doesn’t see my life as valid or equal to others in the state. His veto says that he couldn’t care less about me and many of the good people in my life. For this single act he doesn’t deserve my vote. 3. Here’s the most important reason. The state legislature overwhelming voted to ban gestation crates for sows. If you are unaware of this horrendous practice, pig farmers house these highly intelligent creatures in crates where they cannot move, even to turn around. For years on end they are force fed and live horrible tortured lives. There are far more humane ways to farm these animals but our governor vetoed the bill and condemned these innocent animals to an unthinkable life of torture and madness. Christie said his god tells him that marriage is between a man and a woman, but his god is silent when it comes to torturing God’s innocent creatures. Why? It’s simply a political act to appeal to the right wing tea party nut jobs that he needs to become President. He would sell his soul and I suspect through this act he has.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 22:05:55 +0000

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