I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Both good and bad - TopicsExpress


I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. Both good and bad thoughts, memories, mistakes, heartaches.... things I can change and things I cant. Ways to make myself better for both me and my son. The ways Ive hurt people both on purpose and by accident.... times when I did what I thought was right and times I did things I knew were wrong... Ive been praying to god and begging him to help me... I know he can only help me if I truly want to help myself... Im realizing I can NOT fight this battle on my own and no matter how hard it may be I need to ask for help... So here goes nothing... To all of my friends and family and those friends that pretty much are family, I need you. For to long Ive been trying to do everything on my own and handle other peoples problems... I love helping yall whether it is listening giving advice or just sitting with you physically, now Im asking for it in return... If I call you please pick up if your not to busy, if your busy then just tell me I will understand... if I text you please text back even if its not right away just let me know your thinking of me... if I just show up out of nowhere its probably because I need one of those no questions asked hugs-- meaning dont ask questions just hug me. If you see a post that doesnt seem quite right please dont ask whats wrong just call or text or show up and just talk to me... I know this all sounds very not like me and I know it really isnt like me but Ive been fighting a battle inside for a very long time and tbh Im not winning it... I need your help. I do have to say Catie Karl you are my biggest supporter and I know I wouldnt have made it this far without you in my life. Idk what I would do without you and never want to try it without you. Thank you for understanding and even when you dont understand thank you for not abandoning me. I know we dont always see eye to eye but I know no matter what you wont leave my side and you will never know how much that means to me...I have so much more to say but I can say it over the next few days... I love you guys... I hope yall read this...
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:11:06 +0000

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