I woke up to a feeling that somethings was wrong and it wasnt what - TopicsExpress


I woke up to a feeling that somethings was wrong and it wasnt what I felt is was what I knew. I always say pay forward is a form of making life better for each other and that is something I have always stood behind and practice every day I am in and outside of my circle of life. Well this day wasnt any different! I shared my thoughts in what I think and what I believe in and that isnt worth a dime in this time and age. Yet I got a email this morning that thank me for the thoughts that I posted up yesterday! I was thanked for expressing my feeling of the lost of our heritage and I was so upset when I wrote it but not mad. I was just so tired of watching our heritage as proud Hispanic people get pushed around and abused because of the way we act and the way we fear those that can cause trouble for us. See they said that it woke them up and they started to see it for themselves. The first thing they did was ask for a raise and the second thing they did was they had their dead beat friend move out of their apartment. See she went on and mentioned that at work she did everything from sweeping and mopping to stocking the shelves to opening and closing the store while her boss did nothing but take all of the credit for what she did. So after reading my posting she went not to her boss not the manger but to the owners of the store and asked for that raise. Well she got it not because she complained it was because all of the hard work she did was noticed and she always thought that everything she was doing for that company was not being noticed. Well it was noticed and she was rewarded for all of her efforts by getting the raise she asked for and more; she even got promoted and became manger of that store . When she got that raise and promotion she went home and saw her dead beat room mate sleeping in her bed, and she also noticed that all of her food was eaten and the dishes were in the sink. She also saw that all of the bills that she has been paying were unpaid and she asked her room mate to pay them and her room mate told her to pay it herself. Well she had enough of her doing everything so she kicked her room mate out on her back side. The whole entire time that was going on she was thinking of the posting that I posted up yesterday. She said that she was letting everyone push her around because she feared the out burst and the repercussion of her actions if she did anything to make things better for herself. Well she thanked me for my posting and she was going to pay it forward in her life now. So paying forward doesnt have to be in a form of money it can be paid by the simplest actions or a kind thought that helps others, it can even be a kind word, a ear to lend if just to hear someone that needs to speak to someone. See it can be in any form as long as it is to be helpful! Everyone can be proud and everyone can be whatever they want to be as long as it can be expressed in a respectful and meaningful way. Never give up and you will never feel unwanted in this life and of your heritage! Thank you for believing in yourself and in me!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 16:34:16 +0000

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