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I have been informed that some of our mobile friends cant read the page description that includes the questions and answers about Annabelle. So Im posting it here. Its long but worth the read :) This page is for everyone that wishes to follow Annabelles Journey. Annabelle was born at just 25 weeks, my water broke at about 11 weeks, she was 1lb 6oz and they gave her a less than 10% chance to make it through the first night. She was born with a collapsed lung, multiple joint contractures, vertical talus in both feet, congenital hip dislocation, and more than I care to dig up and list lol. Annabelle was diagnosed with ID and moderate/severe Autism last August, she is non verbal, she shows no signs of communication at this time, and her joint contractures prevent her from walking. But despite all of that, she is strong, she continues to fight, she is a beautiful soul, and she is my hero! So now I will answer some questions. 1. Why we call her Tink? When Annabelle was born she was the smallest baby in the nicu, she was nicknamed tinker-bella and we shortened it to Tink as she got older. The nurses would even decorate her room in Tinkerbell. 2. What is the go fund me money being used for? We are funding a trip to Wisconsin for hyperbaric oxygen therapy and it is a 30 day treatment that our insurance wont cover, and will require us to rent a place for a month. We are also using some of the money for a wheelchair and a gait machine so that Annabelle can better get around. 3.Why does Annabelle need the hyperbaric therapy? Annabelle has been struggling with Autism, gut issues, and physical issues for her entire life. Her regressions seems to come in waves and this last one started back in October of last year and has gotten progressively worse. Annabelle had a handful of words that she now seems to have lost, she wont take anything by mouth anymore, she has given up on trying to walk or crawl, and she has even stopped calling me mama. She has begun to have violent meltdowns, she harms her self and will harm others. She went from a very happy, talkative child, to a depressed, confused, enraged child (she isnt angry 24/7 but meltdowns happen daily and more than half of our days are spent dealing with meltdowns). Hyperbaric therapy is helping kids on the spectrum and also helping to heal the body and mind. This therapy looks very promising for Annabelle and may just be the thing we need to get her back to herself. I dont know about you but if it were your child or someone you loved, wouldnt you do anything to ease their pain and bring them Happiness, I know Id give anything.... 4.How does Annabelle get around? Annabelle has learned to scoot on her bottom and she uses her hands as kind of ski poles to propel herself forward. 5. Does Annabelle eat anything by mouth? At this time all of her nutrition goes through her g-tube, however she does occasionally like to munch on cheerios. 7. What are Annabelles fav things? Annabelle loves music, dancing, movies, swinging, walks outside, and being worn (like in a baby carrier or wrap) 8. Will Annabelle ever walk? At this time we arent sure, things dont look too great for her in that department. Her joint contractures in her legs prevent her from straightening her legs and her feet being deformed make it difficult to stand. But we are hopeful that she may one day walk with a walker or even crutches. 9.Why I dont have a paying job. Annabelle has been denied for just about every daycare I can find due to her feeding tube. We have applied for waivers and to have nurses in the home but so far no luck. Until Annabelle reaches school age I am blessed to be forced to stay home with her and my son. I love being home with them and Im thankful that Im able to have this time with them. But I do plan to work again when I can. 10. What is the meaning of the pages name? A Voice In Pixie Land is named after the stories that I tell Annabelle. I make up fairy tales about Annabelle and she loves them. In our stories Annabelle is the Pixie Princess named Tink of a magical place called Pixie Land, but she only travels to Pixie Land at night and no one else knows, during the day she lives among the humans as Annabelle . In Pixie Land she doesnt need to walk because she has wings, and the magic of Pixie Land allows Annabelle to have a voice. Also in Pixie Land little brothers are trolls and live on the outside of the pixie wall ;) We love our pixie land stories and Annabelle loves listening to them. And yes I am hoping to write a book soon.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 06:11:44 +0000

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