I have been ‘inundated.’ Not like the boy with his finger in - TopicsExpress


I have been ‘inundated.’ Not like the boy with his finger in the dyke, but, as though these shared experiences are part of a ‘leap’ forward... The nut shell has a seed, the seed already had a life of its’ own... We can so often see life about us as an open-and-shut case... We can so often see it as something that we have to find the ‘strength’ to get over... Some even see it as something to ignore... I am mindful of recent experiences of my own – experiences that were not awfully comfortable... I finally came to remember – not ‘realise’- but remember – that life is not something that we ‘need’ to take seriously... I hear some of you say – so! What do we do – laugh off that our son died or our daughter is severely physically disabled... What the hell do I mean by, ‘don’t take ’it’ seriously..?’ I mean one thing only... I mean that by reaching inside of yourself you will come to recognise that you have the strength for this, that you have the understanding for this, that, when push comes to shove, you are not only ‘doing’ this, but living it, and setting an example... You are breathing all that you are... Life has a strange way of putting us exactly where we need to be for our own development. I don’t think or care about the labels – the physical, the emotional, the spiritual – I recognise one thing only – that you are one thing only... It may be that this one thing is way beyond anything you could have dreamed you are – when you ‘get’ it – don’t question it – go with it... I ‘know,’ I know that you ‘know’ what I mean... Even when you still think you question it... I ‘know’ because I ‘know’ that you couldn’t be where you are right now without your ‘knowing’ it.’ I ‘know’ that you recognise that part of you that is beyond every imaginable endurance... I say to you this... Your cup is already overflowing... Nothing can or will ever reverse this... You will always be overflowing because this is ‘who you are.’ And for sure, this is who we all are... Some of us have yet to stretch our boundaries, but, we all ‘know,’ feel and recognise that when we are at the ‘push-comes-to-shove...’ we really are limitless.... Be ‘Love’ always... As my friend, please remind me and encourage me to be too.... Sometimes I also forget... youtube/watch?v=AltrjlgNj98
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 22:00:54 +0000

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