I have had an incredibly hectic life as of late. It has been a - TopicsExpress


I have had an incredibly hectic life as of late. It has been a good hectic, yet hectic none the less. Between a very busy schedule at work and the same onslaught of family issues that we all face, I have had considerably less free time as of late. In fact, if I were to estimate the amount of free time I would put it at about 25 percent of what I had even two months ago. There has been free time however. While I have written a few things here and there, by necessity most of my limited work has been in regards to Obamacare. Understand that Obamacare is the greatest evil to befall the freedom we historically enjoy in our Republic – or what was once a Republic. I suspect that it shall never be defeated given the current state or national and world history currently playing out. That does not mean that we are to sit idly by and simply allow tyranny to sweep away the last vestiges of our beloved Republic. To the contrary, many have begun to awaken. I can tell you that Obama and the statist forces he commands have been forced to adjust their plans. They truly believed that they would have secured final victory by this juncture. They have not and it troubles them deeply. As far as the statists are concerned this is an all-or-nothing proposition. We have spoken of this before. The statist hand has been laid on the table. There can be no hiding now. The pendulum has swung so far to the left that should a swing back to the right occur it would literally break the whole of the apparatus and the pendulum would be flung freely into a conservative abyss that would spell doom for the leftist movement for the next three generations. Stated differently – the left would never again rise in the United States. Sadly, we know this will never be the case. Instead, we find ourselves fighting for days now. Make no mistake, we are finding success in this. Each day the statists’ are pushed back is one more day to prepare. Whether that preparation is arms and ammunition or the winning of souls for Christ each day is now critical. It has been quite a ride so far my friends. Think of just how close we came to the start of the Third World War. Syria is still an issue and Damascus will soon fall. The White House never anticipated the absolute opposition they would receive from all of us. Obama was ready to launch on Syria – in fact he was but hours from sacrificing the lives of what would become untold millions. This is a number that would morph into billions. It is important that everybody understand that we are the reason that the world has not teetered into darkness. That day will come and soon. This is inevitable now. However, we can buy ourselves each and every day possible. We can do this by standing firm and keeping our eyes fixed upon the big picture. What I mean is this – how many of you have this ever present sense of confusion that rears its head with every post, link and article? It has become difficult to separate fact from fiction. We have been under constant barrage of disinformation mingled with the truth. Part of this has been accidental in that we are the reason that much of the things we fear have not come to pass. That is a hard thing to grasp. Take Syria for example. There is no denying how close we came to disaster. However, we banded together and refused to be sheep. It is because of our combined strength that so many of the horrors we feared could not be realized. Obama had no choice to but to step back from the edge. We are the reason so many of the things we shared never came to pass. However, much of the information we share is intentional disinformation. We are being worn down. How many times can you share similar links that never come to fruition before you stop sharing? Here is where the big picture comes into focus. Dealing with the disinformation is as critical as any other action we can take. For every three pieces of disinformation we receive we will encounter truth. This is what happened with Syria, Benghazi, the siege of Boston (every police action is now viewed in the light of Boston resulting in no secrecy or surprise for the White House) and the domestic spying incidents. How many of us now take precautions against government snooping that we would never have imagined even two years ago? While there is no full proof method to avoid government intrusion, the task can be made considerably more difficult for them. Perhaps they may just miss that one critical piece of information that allows a tremendous patriot to slip through their fingers. What does this mean for us and the big picture? Simple – take joy in sharing everything that comes across your screen. It may be disinformation, but if all of us know this and k now that the truth will be shared as well then there can be no surprise. Also, disinformation can shine a light on the things they don’t want you to look at. Many time disinformation is an intentional redirect. Where ever the disinformation says to look do yourself a favor – look the other direction. We saw this method in full swing in the CR and debt ceiling “fight”. Anyway, as I was saying earlier I have had some free time. It has not been much but it has been there. It seems the Lord has seen fit to fill that time with study as he prepares me to write the next work he has laid before me. I am in the process of turning the Modern Possibilities piece into a full accounting of the coming Tribulation and a practical picture of what it means to all of us. While I am not covering any new ground, it does appear that I am meant to do what I am best equipped to do – write and speak on the things of prophecy in an easy to understand manner that will allow some of the bigger mysteries of Revelation to come alive. I still have a bit of work yet so it may be just a bit before its ready, but it will be the most extensive and exhaustive work I have done on the subject. It has been an enjoyable process as I am learning new things in this study. I have wanted to share a number of different things with everybody, but the Lord has put the brakes on much of it. It seems that he is expanding my understanding of the mysteries that have been sealed up and does not want me running around sharing only half a picture. With each new revelation comes a deeper understanding. I can be patient. I learned years ago that the learning never stops. In fact, it will continue until the day we are all called home. Many of us (myself included) have a tendency to forget this. It is a tendency that can impede our growth with the Lord in fact. You see, there are many that come to the Lord and begin the process of learning and growing. At some point and time the Lord will begin to reveal his mysteries to most. From these revelations come the foundation of our understanding on everything from the nature of salvation to the book of Revelation. This is a process to which nothing else can compare. There are no words to describe the joy that comes from a deeper understanding of the greater mysteries of the Bible. However, there is a human tendency to latch on to those things that form the foundations of our more advanced understandings. Stated differently, there is a rush that comes from genuine revelations. For most of us these revelations represent the first complete understanding of the deepest mysteries of the Bible. They will form the outline by which we compare everything else we learn. For some this process is nothing short of monumental. The amount of understanding they gain is vast. Therein also resides the problem. It is human nature to cling to those things that make sense and provide order in our lives and spiritual lives. This can introduce a stubbornness that can prevent us from swapping out the pieces we hold for the newer, better pieces the Lord provides to us. We lose sight of the simple understanding that what we have been given is the basis for future learning and growth – not a hard and fast set of standards that everything else must fit into in order to be right. The natural question becomes “does that mean the Lord lied when he said X, Y and Z?” No, the Lord did not lie. I have found that the base understanding is always right. However, it is a base understanding. It is the other pieces that we attach to that base which become wrong. The base understanding that the Lord gives is designed to orient us to a particular method of thought and process for understanding the things he will show us in the future. The base is just that – a base. It is meant to be built upon – even if it means that we have to discard something we have come to understand. The key is “we”. His knowledge is perfect. It is our understanding of that knowledge that is lacking. Once we remind ourselves that our understanding is designed to change as we grow with Christ it becomes quite a thrill to learn new things. Here is such an example: Many of us are familiar with the disappearing honey bee colonies that has become an increasing concern. There is mounting evidence that supports a corporate conspiracy to actively suppress and destroy the honey bee. It has long been understood in communist circles that control of the food supply is the path to slavery of the masses. A declining honey bee population requires humanity to turn to “manufactured” farming and GMO foods. So what does this have to do with Biblical prophecy? Consider the words of Revelation chapter 6: 5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine. Let us consider the last part of the third seal – the oil and the wine. The oil and wine tells us that the grape and olive harvest are not to be harmed. However, given the math shown to us in these two verses it becomes clear that one third of the world’s crops will be destroyed. There will not be a total destruction of the world’s food supply, but one third. Imagine the state of the world if one third of all food was simply gone. Now, couple this with the collapse of the nations and any semblance of civilization. How will the world respond as starvation runs rampant? Now, it bears mentioning that the predominate crops of the Middle East are the grape and the olive. For those of you that enjoy cooking it comes as no surprise that the olive is truly one of the most versatile foods on earth. From its nutritional value to the health benefits of the oil – and even the industrial uses for the oil – the olive is truly a miracle of nature. Likewise, the grape is a miracle in and of itself. Have you ever wondered why there is so much drinking of wine in the Bible? The grape provides a source of hydration absent bacterial infection. The production of wine allows for a source of water that is free of disease where clean water is not present. The abundance of the olive and the grape during a time of famine can save a nation. By this time in the book of Revelation most of the Nations of Allah have been decimated by the wars against Israel. Israel will stand alone in the production of grapes and olives. Now we can tie this all together. Honey bees are responsible for the pollination of one third of the world’s food crops. Revelation 6:5-6 tells us that one third of the world’s food is destroyed. The question becomes this – how do we know that this is a result of a diminished honey bee population? Guess which two crops are the only two crops on earth that do not require pollination by bees? You guessed it – grapes and olives. They are air pollenated by the blowing wind. This also explains why the Middle East – with its prevalent winds – are the primary source for the world’s olives and grapes. This would be followed by the rest of the Mediterranean basin. Anyway, this is a small example of the study I have been involved in as of late. It has been a much needed rest. I did want to check in and let everybody know I am still here and doing as the Lord calls me to do. Have a most blessed evening my friends! Lucius Sulla honeycolony/article/what-is-monsanto-doing-to-our-bees/
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 23:42:22 +0000

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