I have seen some people on FB questioning the so called Blue Flu - TopicsExpress


I have seen some people on FB questioning the so called Blue Flu and I understand their confusion. Because I am so passionate about this poor treatment of city employees and retirees I am going to try to clear it up. I came on the PD in 1978, in fact 6 weeks before the police and fire dept strike. Had no idea what I had gotten myself into. It was a scary time back then. But the treatment of the emergency personal by city leaders was poor, very poor. It took drastic measures to get the attention of the city leaders. It worked. It was sad to have had to go out on strike, but for the next 20 years or more the city had a contract with its workers and even though it didnt work perfect for both sides, it was honored by both sides. In the most recent years the city has violated this contract more and more and more. Now THE MAYOR AND CERTAIN CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS have taken away benefits from its weakest group. Its retirees. If the city had told each of us 20-30 or 40 years ago not to count on having the pension were promising you now or health care benefits we are promising you, then we would have either gotten other jobs or prepared ourselves for our later years. But we believed our city leaders. This is why this problem is so grave. PUT YOURSELVES in this position in whatever your current job is. If all of a sudden you couldnt provide for your family anymore. This is no joke. Lets say your bring home pension money is $2500 a month. With the proposed increase in benefits it is going to cost $1600 for health care ( presently it is about $340 for family coverage). that leaves you with $900 a month to pay your house note, utilitys, and so on. Its impossible. The unions and retirees assn have been to every council meet and presented many options but the city didnt listen they just attacked its retirees. And their not through. ALL TO SAY. If everyone who takes the time to read this would send an email to the mayors office and copy every city council member instead of just one post on FB then the flood of calls or emails would cause the leaders to re-think these action they have taken which THEIR ACTIONS has created the problems. DO NOT be fooled by a slick talking mayor during election times, the only reason he is not raising taxes this year is because it is election time and all he cares about is your vote, not you ! Thank you to those who have read this. We cant be wrong in our thinking with other city business people like all Lennys Subs shops supporting us. They see the problem too. Tommy Arnold
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 04:45:22 +0000

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