I have spent the last seven and a half months since David died, - TopicsExpress


I have spent the last seven and a half months since David died, playing every single cassette we ever recorded listening to see if by chance I had him recorded. Nothing, some of them I played over and over, just to be sure. When I woke up this morning, I looked over at Davids picture on my nightstand, and like I do every morning, said to him, I just miss hearing your voice. I miss you and hearing your voice so much. Last night, my friend Sheila (whose sister Brenda just died) spent the night. Sheila had fallen asleep in the recliner last night, and she was sleeping so hard, I just didnt have the heart to wake her up just to go to bed, so I covered her up and let her sleep. This morning she said to me it was the best sleep she had had since Brenda died (on the 16th of Sept.) Then we got talking and she said she had called Brendas phone just out of habit to tell her something and Brendas answering machine came on with Brendas voice. She said she wished she could find her tape recorder so she could tape it. I said I have an old one, but its micro cassettes, I dont know if I still have any tapes for it. So I found the recorder, glanced over at the cabinet that has Davids desktop computer and saw three micro cassettes sitting on top. Well, I think you can probably see where this is going. Two of the cassettes were from an old answering machine we had (from about 15 or 20 years ago.) The other I thought was a tape of a history lecture I had attended (also about 15 years ago.) Well, I really liked that lecture and didnt want to erase it, and wasnt real sure what was on the other two either. So, I popped the first one in and turned it on. I hear, Hi, youve reached David and Naomi. We cant come to the phone right now, but leave us a message and your number. One of us will get back to you shortly. It was David. I burst into tears. Sheila came running out of the bathroom, What was that? she yelled, and burst into tears. I couldnt talk, and just nodded. David was on all three tapes. I couldnt be more tickled. Most of them are just a couple of seconds of him. But the one I thought was the history lecture is a whole tape of him talking to my son, in the background you can hear me talking to my oldest grandson (who is now 23 but was 2 1/2 then). What a treasure. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if it had been him playing his guitar and singing. I dont care though, I have missed his voice so much.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 07:09:59 +0000

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