I have struggled to find words to update this page. How do I sum - TopicsExpress


I have struggled to find words to update this page. How do I sum up what has happened in our lives over the past month and a half in a single post? I honestly dont care to try, however because I know that my sister would want you all to know Im gonna try. Bare with me... On August 10 my sister, Baby Janes mommy, suddenly went to be with our Savior. She passed away holding our sweet Jane in her arms. Jane has been with us since that night while her dad got everything together to move back closer to his family. That was until she caught a cold and quit eating which got her a 10 day stay in the hospital. We celebrated Janes second birthday during this hospital stay. She came home with a NG feeding tube as we waited for a surgeon to become available to put in a permanent G tube. While we waited Jane decided she was over the NG tube and started vomiting everything we fed her. Which caused another 13 day stay in the hospital. This time she got her G tube and is doing really well with it. Jane is now home and we are trying to begin to find a new normal. Please keep Jane and our family in your prayers. Everyday is a first without Rachel and quite frankly everyday is a struggle to put one foot in front of the other at times. But God has given us our Sweet, sweet Baby Jane and we are gonna love her and care for her every second of everyday until we are all together again. We know that Gods plan is perfect. This is not what we would have chosen for our lives and its hard to not ask why. But we trust in Him, Love Him no matter what, and know that He will use all of this and Baby Janes life for his glory. I will continue to update this page because I know that you all love Jane dearly. Her little life has touched so many of you. We thank you for loving our baby and for each and every prayer that has been sent up on her behalf. God bless each of you as you have blessed us.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:52:33 +0000

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