I have thought about this long and hard. I am going to start by - TopicsExpress


I have thought about this long and hard. I am going to start by apologizing to my friends for what I am about to say. Family sometimes is the most frustrating. People make mistakes they have been acknowledged. Facebook is not I repeat NOT the place to sir your dirty family linen. Dont profess to be a Christian then turn around and talk poorly about your loved ones. Read your bible. There is no where in that book that says if family makes a mistake keep digging cause misery and find more if you cant find it make it up. Its people like you that are why others will never know Jesus because you demonstrate this behavior and it is you who lost souls a damned to hell. Noone knows the road we each have traveled. My shoes are heavy. I dont burden folks with drama. I spent most of my life in church forced to go I know the bible inside and out. I dont go to church dont feel I need to work folks like you. I am not perfect I live each day like its my last. Life is too short. I love tho make people smile yes I may have a drink or two. I may say a cuss word but I have respect for those that truly are christians and refrain around them. I love my mother and my the sisters they are not perfect but guess what they are to me. Now take you dirty laundry down put it in the dryer I dont want to see it on here. This is to keep in touch with friends and family share some good things and support those that need out when they are down. Save your comments. Thanks for letting me vent.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 23:04:31 +0000

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