I have to be honest about America;s clueless stance on the War on - TopicsExpress


I have to be honest about America;s clueless stance on the War on Terror. Yes so many keep spewing it is not really Islam that is attacking and killing innocents. Yes we should be Tolerant . Seriously I can go with some in Islam are not extremists. But please let us look at almost every country inhabited by those from Islamic Countrys Let us see in almost every Islamic Country women are treated worse then the sheep. Only under the Governments of those who foolishly follow the Koran are little girls forced to marry old men at ages as early as 7 years old. Oh yes that s right their parents get a choice they can be killed or maimed or perhaps can enjoy watching their wives and daughters get gang raped if they resist. Oh yes that is what I see as a religion of Peace and Tolerance. Christians and others that do not believe in their beloved prophet are forced to convert to this third world stupidity or they find themselves and their families sold into slavery, often raped , killed , All while their Governments for the most turn a blind eye. Yes these little cowards hiding their faces under their Halloween Costumes run wild bombing , beheading while yelling Ala Ackbar . Yet most of the countries around the world especially those from Europe the best solution they can come up with is stand in Solidarity and march . Boy I bet that really scared them. Their just quaking in the Pajamas. And look at us here in America. Sure we in the past sent our troops into Iraq and Afghanistan but slowly we tied their hands and actually endangered the lives of our brave men and women by putting the most restrictive rules of engagement on them all to appease the likes of the United Nations and to Win the Hearts and Minds And remember many in my own party grew tired of the war on Terror, Well guess what ladies and gentlemen your enemies have not. Let me shoot right from the hip. I do not give a damn about their hearts and minds or what those worthless group of Dictators that make up the United Nations thinks. I do not really care what you all that are tired of the War think. We need to wake up to the fact that these people are not ever going to stop. We need a real Leader who flat out wants to deal with these savages the only way they understand. Bomb them back into the stone age. Let us look back to Fort Hood. More recently You all just saw what happened in France . May I suggest instead of calling it work place violence . Or trying to be careful not to offend those from Islam. Oh no I will be careful not to offend them. Let me shout this from the rooftop. Fort Hood the next day there are one hundred sorties on Islamic Terror sites all across the Middle East . Instead of Marching in France get your planes in the air and bomb another one hundred I.S.S.A camps or Al Qaeda, or any of the dozens of these third world ISLAMIC TERROR GROUPS. Oh yes that is right the United Nations and a few others will be outraged and condemn our actions. My response to them and our enemies through out the middle east behead another American or bomb or massacre any more innocents anywhere across the globe and next time it will be two hundred missions . Now yes some will call me a war monger. Oh you cannot bomb sites in Sovereign nations. Well people remember I have told you before and I am telling you again. Something really bad is coming. You think 9_11 was bad. We are setting ourselves up for a catastrophic disaster while we refuse to deal with the danger that confronts us coming from Islam.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:52:32 +0000

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