I hear so many cops in the news that want us to believe that they - TopicsExpress


I hear so many cops in the news that want us to believe that they are doing hard work, its not hard work driving through our communities misinterpreting information as a statistical fact, they lack the ability to identify children, killing children playing with toy guns is not acceptable and the blue suit seems to give them a license to kill, they also fail to realize that their behavior is no better than the thugs they are suppose to protect us from, and their commands are exactly the same, if you are being robbed the thug may command that you lay on the ground, and when a cop commands that you to lay on the ground for J-walking then you know something is wrong, the people that wear that blue suit and badge are human, and other humans dont expect or intend to tolerate any type of deadly behavior that cant be distinguish as thug or Law Enforcement, you dont have to be Sigmund Freud to know that this is a serious psychological problem and all the people that promote the behavior should be removed from the job, because the killings will persist.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 21:11:50 +0000

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