I hope Obama’s words today bring to reflection. My concern all - TopicsExpress


I hope Obama’s words today bring to reflection. My concern all along has been that in the case Zimmerman vs. Martin, there is a third party benefiting out of the conflict, and neither the Afro-American community or the Hispanic community is, but the opposite, the weak ties between them are still being more weakened. That is one of my points, because the so called “leaders” have not doing a thing to strength both communities’ ties, but deepening the existing differences. Let’s not forget that Zimmerman is Hispanic, and many Hispanic are supporting him in spite the media’s rage-fueling approach, which is resulting in a deeper gap between our communities, soaring healing wounds, and steering up old resentments. My call has been to leave the verdict alone and move on, to work on those issues that divide us. Minorities are supposed to stick together; nevertheless, the natural differences among members of each community are rocks on the way. On the other hand, there are racists among all parties. Then, for what we could be directly concerned, there are Hispanic racists, and Afro-American racists. Ask yourself if you have not ever treated as inferior-being one those Mexicans, just as many others do. You do not need to answer; leave it to your conscious. And I am not saying you ever did either. So, please, do not get defensive; it is very likely you know what I am referring too. Similarly, as Hispanic, we have been object sometime of an Afro-American’s racial animosity and unfriendliness, especially when they were seated behind a window in a government’s office. Just like, in both communities, some members of a family opposed a relationship because it is interracial. Here it is where the so called leaders should intercede, and call for the cause that should unite us, not divide us. You got to know what happened recently when Marc Anthony sang the National Anthem, and some rednecks posted in Twitter questioning why a “Mexican” was allowed to do so. Marc replied clarifying that he was born and raised in New York, Puerto Rican origin, do you think they care? Their favorite phrase is, “Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, whatever...the same shit!” Now, supporting this campaign, designed to manipulate emotions, has proved polarizing, and in redundancy of our division. Not to mention that for every alleged argument, there is a legit counterargument, on top of the fact that there is not service to Justice when you send someone to jail when there is sufficient reasonable doubt for opting not to. Furthermore, we are not even 30% of the population, but over 60% of the inmates are members of the minorities, mostly “Blacks” and “Latinos”. What we should focus on, it is finding ways to stop the non-sense killing, the wild-west-style shooting affecting our communities, which are perpetrated mostly by our teens. That is what needs attention, and a nationwide campaign, with all our support and sympathy, a campaign to motivate out people to go back to school, to better themselves in every way, and emphasize that that violence just perpetuate the social injustice and push away many people that can help.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 02:48:49 +0000

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