I just cant believe this documentary. I caught the last few - TopicsExpress


I just cant believe this documentary. I caught the last few minutes of it, and frankly it was all I could stand - nothing but socialist propaganda, and funded by the BBC to boot (no surprise of left-wing bias there then, wasting licence payer money in such a deplorable manner). Among many things it was claimed that there was no trickle down effect from the wealthy (only if they dont spend any money - i.e. impossible), that lowering taxes does not increase economic growth (Jamaica was used as an example - no corruption there then), and that Denmark was more prosperous than Britain and the US, while also having higher taxes. The last one is a flagrant lie in relation to the US. One of the things they will also not tell you about Danes is that they are the second highest in the world for taking anti-depressants - a very Huxlian way of stopping people complaining about paying up to 80% taxation after indirect and hidden taxes are considered. Danes also have the highest private debt in the world, a doubling of people living below the poverty line in the last decade, and sluggish productivity - what youd expect from a nation suffering with brain drain. Yet were supposed to believe Danes are some of the happiest people on earth. Please! What we have here is Orwellian massaging of statistics and facts by socialists. No doubt Denmark will eventually implode, as is that other socialist utopia Sweden, on track to becoming a third world country by 2030. And of course the documentary could not be complete without Marxist myths about life being great before the 1980s (i.e. before Thatcher), a time when Britain was almost on its knees. I am so sick and tired of these recycled lies based on envy and greed. Look at the name of the documentary for one - not even Karl Marx could have made it up! These lies originate with political elites that want a life of champagne socialism, at the expense of ordinary people who will have no chance of getting ahead in such a highly taxed and heavily regulated economy. Look up regulatory capture and crony capitalism. Learn some actual facts, instead of listening to leftist lies by the BBC, funded by that other evil empire, the EU. The day the TV licence is cancelled will not be a day too soon. Rant over! P.S. Heres a nice little article about Scandinavia by the Guardian (so that should mean that lefties dont get their knickers in a twist about the source): theguardian/world/2014/jan/27/scandinavian-miracle-brutal-truth-denmark-norway-sweden
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 22:41:53 +0000

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