I just dont get it? In BC, natives are standing in unity to - TopicsExpress


I just dont get it? In BC, natives are standing in unity to proclaim what is rightfully theirs and their independence (right of sovereignty). In the east, tribes have sent off a letter to the Crown claiming their rights to the land and the right to govern both themselves and their resources. While here in Central Canada, nations are making pacts with the devil in order to govern the lands they sit on. Deals that state they can only govern their reserves and only rules that the government agrees upon, meaning the government still holds all the strings!!!! Now, what I dont understand is, if all of our nations want the same thing, sovereignty, governing powers, a right on the say of all of our lands and resources, why are they not coming together, forming a unity and bond with all of our brothers and sisters across this land and BUILD a governing structure that can demand what is our right???!!!!!!! I, myself, have told some of these leaders that I have the proof and documents to move forward in our right to govern ourselves, but they dont seem to be listening. There are a few of us that have the documents proving Canada is a lie, the frauds committed in the treaties, in getting rid of our governing structures, our Hereditary Chiefs, the scams, the land frauds, the Indian Trust Fund and much, much more. Thousands of hidden documents the government didnt want us to see, or thought we were too stupid to find. Are these Chiefs too afraid to lose that meager chump change they are receiving from the government as a pay check? Or to afraid to make a stand and rather watch as nations around them fall when the government comes knocking. They owe us trillions of dollars, and they hate the fact that when natives are born, we are born in the black, not in the red like all others who reside in Canada. We are in fact, a rich nation, but they hold all the money and hoard it for themselves waiting for the day they can claim for themselves. When one nation is falling, we all should be there to prevent that from happening. No Native person or community should ever stand alone, anywhere, anyplace!!! That was another reason why we need real leadership, because so far, we have had no one to call for help when we were in dire need. Its why so many of our people sit in another nations jails and our women go missing. The government has made it clear with a statement they made that in a few years, maybe less, status Indian will be a word from the past. Which means, natives will start becoming assimilated and forced out of their homes, due to overwhelming taxes, rent due and so forth. Read the fine print in those deals just made, like in this article, when those reserves signed on with the government. You dam well know there is always a fine print when you make a pact with the devil. Stand up, unite and build a nation!!! Whats not to understand!!! Time for a revolution, a Native Revolution. Before those who call themselves our leaders F up our whole nation for good. Because if we fall, the only ones we can blame is ourselves. And at that point, there will be no return. Stand up and really be a warrior, stop talking like you are one if you cant stand up and fight for your nation. And if you wear those shirts and hats that say Native Pride on them, than show it, PROVE IT!!! Walk the Talk and stand up for your nation. Share this with every one, demand a change, demand unity and demand we build a government. They can cut off our funding but we can cut off all access to our resources, so it will be them that falls to their knees. They can push a few of us as they did in the past but can they push against thousands, while being watched by the world through lenses. Its time for change, its time we stood up for ourselves and stop being bullied, shamed and discriminated against. Dont you agree? Time we gave our children a chance at a better future. Time we gave them back their dignity. Share this to everyone and tell them, its time. Native Revolution, a time for all warriors to stand. Show our ancestors we didnt give up the fight because I know one thing, when I go, they will not be disappointed with me. I stood up.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:03:03 +0000

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