I just finished seeing The Kings Speech. Not the movie but our - TopicsExpress


I just finished seeing The Kings Speech. Not the movie but our Honorable PM Shri Narendra bhai Modi jis Teachers Day address to all the students of India. And Ill start with the winning quote - Climate Change Nahin Hua Hai, Hum Change Ho gaye Hain. :3 Meaning - Theres actually no climate change. Only we humans have changed. Sach me, bade bade dhulandhar dekhe hain par #Feku se bada behroopiya maine kahin nahin dekha. Modi believes and wants to make all Indian students believe that theres no such thing as Climate Change even though majority of worlds top scientists feel so and have enough evidence to prove it. But that wont convince Modi. According to him, as we humans have become so much dependent on modern technology and staying indoors more (both the things to be fair are indeed true), we have hence become lazy and stopped respecting mother nature and therefore, our bodys resistance has gone down because of which we have become as weak as Elderly people and have started feeling hotter in summers & colder in winters. And Modis solution - We should start venturing outdoors regularly and loving nature more and hence, everything will get back to normal. Pure BS. :poop: By denying Climate Change, Modi has proved that hes a quintessential Right-Wing politician who represents the worst of both Majoritarianism as well as Capitalism. Modi has also proved to be no different from politicians of Americas Right-Wing Republican party, who, like him, also deny Climate change and want all children in their country to believe the same. But why do the likes of Narendra Modi, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry etc deny Climate Change? Simple. They are all corporate stooges whose campaigns are financed by top corporations and in return, one of the many favors corporate stooges have to do for their masters once in power is to make the world believe that theres no major threat to the ecosytem. And by doing that, these stooges want to ensure that those corporates continue satisfying their insatiable lust for profits and keep on exploiting our natural resources and dont have to bother about cutting any emissions and reducing carbon footprint and hence, continuing with their assault on the environment. Ratan Tata, Gautam Adani, Anil Ambani & of course Mukesh Ambani must be feeling so proud of their #Feku. They can now go back to screwing our natural resources without bothering about any regulations or protocols. All those so-called scientifically thinking Rationalist-Atheists who have cheered for Modi now have egg on their faces as Modi has explicitly denied climate change (which is something as unscientific as denying Darwins Theory of Evolution) Accepting responsibilty is not something corporate stooge Feku Modi is known for. His blaming regular people for being lazy in his remarks on climate change today is nothing new. Two years ago, when as Chief Minister of Vibrant Gujarat, he was asked about the abysmal data on malnutrition in his state (women of Gujarat being some of the most malnourished in the entire country) instead of accepting responsibility on his regimes failure, he started blaming Figure Conscious women of his state for dieting and hence becoming malnourished. Not only was his response disgusting, it reeked of misogyny. And today again, he proved himself to be a Misogynistic Proponent of Patriarchy (after all, he claims to stand for Traditional Indian values). By saying that Educating a girl means educating Two homes he indirectly made his thoughts on women very clear - No matter how much education an Indian girl recieves, she has to inevitably get married & bear children. That are Indian Patriarchal Sanskaars for you. Modi ji clearly is no fan of single working women and single mothers too. If youre a feminist or have an iota of concern for womens empowerment, you would be disgusted by Modis endorsement of Patriarchy today when he said that Educating a girl means Educating two homes. Modi later again proved that hes a misogynist when asked by a young schoolgirl about whether he gets stressed by his job, he narrated an example of a Sacrificing 6 year old girl climbing a mountain while carrying her 3 year old baby brother on her back and still feeling no pain or fatigue. It should be no surprise that unlike other major political leaders in the country, literally 99.999% of Modis bhakts happen to be Males. Oh! And Feku Modi also claimed that hes a voracious reader :P :P and urged all the students to read anything & everything they come across, even if its the newspaper cutting in which Pakodas are packed by Street Hawkers. Seems by saying so, he was approving all the racist & misogynistic shit created by Master Dinanath Batra thats taught in schools back in his home state of Gujarat & may soon be taught all over the country. :( But as far as Modis voracious reading habit goes, we are all familair with his profound knowledge :P and scholastic credentials :P when last November, in his rally in Rajasthan, he mispronounced MK Gandhis first name as Mohanlal instead of Mohandas even though both he & Gandhi are from Gujarat (it must have been a major WTF moment for the Malayali movie star & all his fans in Kerala. Is this why Kerala too decided to become a Dry State? :o ) And thats not all. Modi displayed his profound knowledge once again last year when he, at his rally in Patna (which was targetted by bomb blasts) said that the famous Taxila university (its original sight being north of Islamabad in Pakistan) lies in Bihar of all places. He also said that Alexander the great came to Patna and died near the Ganges :P Maybe Modis working on scripting an alternate history movie on India for Quentin Tarantino :P Or maybe Modi got confused between Taxila & Nalanda (now we know why Prof. Amartya Sen is so against him :D ) Anyway, Ill end with my dads take on Modis speech. Dad carefully observed that throughout his speech, Modi kept on referring to himself by saying Maine yeh kiya, Main yeh karunga, Mera yeh sapna hai. Never did he talk about his government, any of his ministers or his political party. His speech being heavily loaded with I and Me from start to finish clearly proves that hes a Vain Egotist having an Authoritarian mindset (After all, hes a Task Master in his own words) #AchcheDin shuru ho chuke hain.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 16:45:13 +0000

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