I just received my last MRI which now covers my lower, mid and top - TopicsExpress


I just received my last MRI which now covers my lower, mid and top spinal columns. Not the best news, not the worst. Ive had much worse, believe me. But no more tennis for this old boy. Every single disc in my spine is now herniated, with a few only bulging out pinching nerves which have caused sciaticas into my big toes. Plus, the disease has eaten portions of my spine, changed endplates and caused severe spondylosis. I think that means arthritis. lol Occupational hazard as I chose the only sport played on concrete my whole life; but this disease is mostly genetic. I expected it after being a patient of Yales/New Englands most prominent back surgeon several years back. All the back surgeons go to this doc for back surgery. He told me then that I had a severe case of disc degenerative disease and he would fuse my entire spine or he wouldnt touch me at all. Explaining how inevitable the progression would be and telling me if I didnt fuse them all, I would be back on the table every 10 months until they were the way they are now. I didnt care for his you will eventually be severely hunchbacked, operation or not comment but hey, its his professional diagnosis. Im not writing this for sympathy because I no longer am a slave to the tennis court and can focus on working for God, which is all I feel compelled to do anyway. Im extremely blessed. God is just now starting to work His plan for my life. And at 47! He has intervened too many times in miraculously keeping me alive this long and continues to remind me it is NEVER TOO LATE to do the right thing. When I had a chest full of swollen lymph nodes which only happens when you have severe lung cancer as told me by my 2 doctors; they did a mediastinoscopy and a bronchoscopy to find out how much time I had left, only to be dumbfounded when my biopsies showed the swollen lymph nodes were actually a rare lung disease affecting 1 in 25 million people. I knew it could only be God and the power of prayer with those odds, prayer from so many church members, family and friends that gave me a new lease on life. Im very excited to see how God will use me, and volunteer wholeheartedly to do speaking engagements for youth groups, churches, etc. I do know that is part of His plan. Ive experienced top to bottom, bottom to top. Ive gone from zero to hero and from the penthouse to the outhouse. Lifes so short, its only a mist that appears for a moment then vanishes. Ill follow my fathers footsteps from here on out and store all my treasures where moth and decay cant destroy them. Im not dead, just much slower, so lets keep it in perspective; although I love tennis with a passion and will reinvent myself in the industry in some exciting ways as God leads me; but on a voluntary basis. Money means absolutely nothing to me anymore. Its the root of all evil. And 99% of the time it takes your activities, focus and priorities further from God. It takes a strong Faith to be super wealthy and keep your eyes on Jesus all the time. Ive never seen a U-Haul behind a Hearse. Have you?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 02:46:18 +0000

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