I just want to get something off my chest. Im seeing more and - TopicsExpress


I just want to get something off my chest. Im seeing more and more of these political internet memes that state the most ridiculous bullshit Ive ever read. With just a minute amount of research, 99% of these things are disproved. Yet, some people continue to spread this crap as if they feel they are providing a public service. Well, youre not. Youre spreading misinformation, and as a result some of the more gullible people who read them believe them. You wanna know whats really wrong with this country? A disdain for personal education. Some people are just too damned lazy to investigate things for themselves. Taking things at face value these days is very dangerous, for there are many factions in the world counting on ignorance to propel their agendas. People read something that somehow resonates with their beliefs and they run with it, spreading their manure in a garden that only grows fear and hate. You want to be scared? Be my guest. But I suggest you grow a pair or at least read more than one source. Then maybe folks wont piss themselves every time they read some horseshit about ebola or ISIS or whatever keeps you awake at night. Fear is used to control those who are easily fearful. Remember when American used to be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? Sounds like a pipe dream. And if you think for one minute that America is #1, then you are fooling yourself. I love the people of this country for better or worse, but we have to open our eyes, ears and minds. Education is not some sort of elitist concept. Its a necessity to advance the human race. When people try to eradicate real information, theyre trying to keep you from the truth. Theyre trying to control you and use you. Then they want to discard you when you have served their purpose. You dont have to be Einstein or a Rhodes Scholar to be educated. Just use your brain, think for yourself and entertain the notion that somebody might possibly be trying to manipulate you for their own means. Verify your sources of information. And stop spreading shit because youre stinking up the joint! Who am I talking about? I would say that you know who you are but that obviously isnt true. The smart ones know who they arent. If this offends any of you, then Im talking to you, and I dont give two shits if I hurt your feelings. Unfriend me, ignore me, whatever. But Im not going to read your dumb shit anymore and Im definitely not going to take you seriously if you continue to spread obvious bunk. For those who do care about spreading the real truth, Ive got your back.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 01:31:29 +0000

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