I know there are people out there, people who know me and consider - TopicsExpress


I know there are people out there, people who know me and consider me some type of leader or mentor, just hoping that I jump in on all the battles that are currently occupying our social world. People who think that because Im a poet that means I should be using my command and influence of audiences to defend certain ideologies and political stances. And they are getting anxious with me. To the point where I can see it in their faces when they look at me. To the point where they are beginning to question my integrity. To the point where they no longer believe I am the man I say I am. To the point where they ignore me when Im amidst their company. And as much as that sort of expectation annoys me, the expectation that if i dont act or behave in a way that others think I should portray as if Im a puppet or game for what they fail to properly say or communicate, what they fail to see is that I am stronger and patient than they could ever imagine. I am trained in the school of #nomindcontrol. I wasnt raised a fool, but taught that my mind should never be used as another humans emotional tool. I dont take on everyones battles. I dont believe in the idea that another persons burdens must also be mine. Nor do I desire to have a Jesus complex. I believe in the importantance of self struggle. Of learning how to be in tune with the self before attempting to channel and affect everyone else. And it is mostly because I know that I can hurt people just as easily as I can help them. I can resist them as often as I invite them. I can spite them as often as I can forgive them. I live daily on the cusp of demolition and while I can blame so many things and request all the people in my life to support me, I know that the most important act of #reclamation must come from within. I have agency over myself and for a brief time; over my children or should I say in co-operation with them, but that is where the control ends. I do not wish to swallow every movement or revolution as if I am a God send. My motto has always been that as long as you speak justly, act justly and do both those with just intentions, you will be your own revolution. You will change the world and the environment around you without even having to fight with it. Eliminating the them versus us option and attracting the you within me strategy. So no. My refusal to comment, defend, speak out and call to arms is not that I dont care. About your despair. If you knew me well you would know that I am deeply spiritual and that my love for the divine breath in all of us is true and fair. Its that I dont condemn until I overstand the root of the issue. I would rather refrain a decade from taking a side than decide swiftly to brandish a complicated crime. And what I mean by that is I decide to take in all sides of a conflict before I let my emotion overule my logic. My logic is my best friend. My reasoning. And that is the first element of my existence that I pledge to defend. I will not bend. And I will not follow the new worlds trends just to say that I have made some new friends. What I do for myself, how I care for my health and wealth will be my most important contribution for providing help. So the next time you are in my presence and I see you give me that stare, like Im all talk and no action, you can keep your perogative, but I will not be moved just because that is the thinking of the group. My strength and power relies in my ability to choose. And I will always choose overstanding, patience, compassion and just actions, on my time, on my terms and how I am much I am willing to administer. Thank you. #justjamaalthepoet #spokenword #poetry #makespokenwordgoviral
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 11:47:58 +0000

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