I know this is a very depressing economy to try and make progress - TopicsExpress


I know this is a very depressing economy to try and make progress in. Very hard. I am not minimizing that sad reality. However, let me offer ten things you can think about that should help you move ahead - OVER TIME - (there are usually few quick fixes in real life) - and build a solid financial life. 1) Develop an attitude of work. That is, you use your time for a constructive purpose rather than resting and entertainment. Work for money. Work to do things for others to help THEM (you will be surprised how much that can benefit you later). Work hard on learning new skills and developing the skills you do have. Do NOT waste time - it is your most valuable resource. 2) Get employed at ANYTHING right now. You have to have something to build on. Dont wait for a perfect job. Build and grow to your ideal job. But start now where you can. Right now. 3) Learn at your job. Dont just put in time. Study how the operation works. Study why it is successful or why it is failing. Who are its customers? What do the customers value? Is there a better way to deliver it? Are there opportunities to deliver more value? If you can help you employer improve his or her business, they will value you even more. And if they are stupid enough not to, you have more to market to another employer. 4) Figure out what skills you need to advance in the career you want. Take classes in your off hours if it will help. At least read books. Find places where you can volunteer and develop the skills you need under the guidance of someone who already has them. 5) Consider a skilled trade. A lot of those jobs are going begging nowadays and they pay pretty well. Hard work, but better pay. They all have apprentice programs and once you graduate you have a trade for most of your life. 6) Give value for money. Give it to your employer. Give it to your customers. If you get a reputation for quality work and making sure things are done really well rather than just good enough, you will get recognized and it will be easier to get jobs and to get promoted. 7) Keep getting promoted. Dont be satisfied where you are and hoping they will pay you more than the job is worth. If you have something to teach other employees, they will hire you as a front line manager to do that. If you understand how the business actually runs, you can advance to that level of management. 8) Save your money. As you build a reserve you will have resources to make decisions that will get you more personal choice and freedom. For example, if you become expert at a franchise, you can buy your own someday. See Dave Thomas and how he build his own career before he founded Wendys. Dont squander your precious hard earned dollars on entertainment and time wasting. 9) Dont be afraid to move. Sometimes the economy is better somewhere else. If you have the guts to go a seize an opportunity elsewhere, you might be able to build your savings and skill set even faster. You dont know what is possible until you make the attempt. 10) Never ever give up. If you try in life, you WILL experience failure and defeat. But these are only temporary unless YOU turn them into a permanent state. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off. Dont be afraid to ask your friends for help to get back on your feet. Remember, you have spent YEARS helping them, right? You built connections, a solid reputation? This is when they really pay off. The sure way to go nowhere is to wait for someone else - a union, the government, the tooth fairy, to come into your life and fix you. This WILL NOT happen.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 15:11:50 +0000

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