I know this is long but I felt like it was worth sharing with - TopicsExpress


I know this is long but I felt like it was worth sharing with yall. Whats in your cup? Life’s Measurements by Sarah Rowan-Authentic Happiness Think of your life as a measuring cup. You can be filled to 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, ½ cup, 2/3 cup, ¾ cup, or 1 cup. These are your possibilities. Your life cannot be filled with more than 1 cup of anything, as that is all it can hold. Whatever combination you want to use to add up to one cup is acceptable. It is your measuring cup, so you get to control how much of each ingredient you use and what particular ingredient you put in it. No one else should put ingredients in your measuring cup. Only what you allow goes in it, as it belongs to you. Now 1 cup is the most you can have, but that doesn’t mean you have to or will fill it up. You may be hovering around ¼ cup and feeling pretty empty inside. Again, you control how much or little goes in. Knowing how your life’s measuring cup works, let’s talk about what ingredients you can put in it. You can add any combination of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, forgiveness, and self-control. There are more positive emotions you add beside those! You can also add any combination of sadness, despair, loneliness, hopelessness, low self-esteem, rejection, doubt, jealously, resentment, anger, regret, vengeance, hostility, unforgiveness, hurt, and any other negative emotions you can put a word. You can also add some that you can’t find the words for but which are very real. See, you control what you put in your own measuring cup and how much of each ingredient goes in it. I understand that things happened in your in life that you never deserved. A certain amount of negative ingredients were put in your cup. It seems like those negative things kept you afloat at times, as you just tried to get through another day. Other people have almost forced you to take some of their own negative emotions in your cup. The world loves to fill your cup with negative ingredients of its own. You have to protect your measuring cup from this world by covering the cup opening with your hands. Sometimes, you may not know what is in your cup. You are just trying to keep life somewhat balanced the best you can. You have tried to level the negative out with more positive, but mixing positive ingredients and negative ingredients in your measuring cup is like mixing oil and water. They will never mix no matter how much you will it to be. You desire to be filled with positive ingredients. The benefits that would come into your life are immense, but you don’t know how to level the ingredients out or mix what you have in the cup with different ingredients to make things better. Child of the Most High God, the reason you can’t level it off or re- mix it correctly is because it is impossible within your strength. No matter how strong you think you are or want to be,you can’t do it. Sometimes, when you have so much negative ingredients from events in your life, God has to pick up your measuring cup and pour everything out. He has to empty you completely. Can you picture Him literally emptying out everything the world has poured in? The world didn’t have the right to pour ingredients in and affect your cup, but that is how the world works. It takes and never gives back. It pours into you what it wants you to take. God has to actually wash the worldly ingredients out of the cup from the inside out. He does this by offering forgiveness to you. He does this by offering renewal to you. He does this by offering a personal relationship with you. He does this by creating a new cup for you. He understands how you were filled with some negative emotions and memories in the first place. You collected them along life’s journey, just like the rest of us. He doesn’t blame you. He doesn’t hold it against you. You did the best you could with the ingredients you had in your cup at the time. The Lord loves you so much that He offers a clean measuring cup back in exchange for the old one. No matter what ingredients the cup once held, He will give you a new one. He offers to fill your life with positive ingredients, including the Fruits of the Spirit. These ingredients can only come from Him. The most amazing thing happens when God fills your measuring cup. Before, you could never overfill your own cup as it had self-limitations. God is not bound bysuch limitations. When He fills you, your measuring cup will completely over flow with the things of Him. You will have to partake of God’s ingredients from the saucer that the cup sits in! Imagine that! The filling by the Most High God can NEVER compare to what this world has filled you with or will fill you with again, if you allow it. It grieves Him more than you can imagine that you ever had to be filled with anything negative in the first place, but He makes all things new. That is His promise to you. He pours out ingredients that are not from Him. He pours out what He sees as not part of His will. God refills you only with things that will prosper you and brings you closer to a relationship with Him. Whether you are a new Christian or an older one that still needs more Godly ingredients, He is the one that fills you to overflowing. I said at the beginning that the cup was yours to control. That is absolutely true. If you want to relinquish control, you can hand it over to Him. Be mindful that He is the only One you would ever want to give your measuring cup to. He is the only One that you can trust with filling it with goodness, forgiveness, mercy, grace, truthfulness, love, and full acceptance of who you are. May God bless the filling of your life. Ephesians 2:6-7 “He also raised us up with Him and seated us with Him in the heavens, in Christ Jesus, so that in the coming ages He might display the immeasurable riches of His grace in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus”(HCSB).
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 23:00:43 +0000

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