I know those bleeding hearts out there arent going to like this - TopicsExpress


I know those bleeding hearts out there arent going to like this but by God I have to get this off my chest.The news media and everyone else is so worried about all of these illegal immigrant children that are crossing our border and wondering what is going to happen to them. By God Ill tell you what should happen to them. We should pack their little asses up and send them right back where they came from. We have a sorry piece of crap for a president that does not give a damn what happens to this country. Well by God I do. I know this border problem started long before Obama came to our country, but he has done nothing at all to try and stop it. The media keeps showing these two kids being reunited with there mother. Hell they are illegal immigrants. By God, send them back. What do you think would happen to them if they crossed the borders in other countrys? They would be put in prison or worst yet, shot. Let me tell all of you something right now. We have young men and women in our military right now that are dying in other countries to keep our country free. I say to hell with those folks in those other countries. Bring all of our military home and let them guard the borders, and then we would have a free country. Obama is just trying to get through his second term, and after that I would be willing to bet he will be back to Kenya, eating Cheetah and Zebra steaks. Listen by God, if our young men and women have to die fighting for our freedom, let them die in their country and not in some foreign country where those people dont give a damn. GOD BLESS OUR MILITARY AND GOD BLESS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Lets make our country free again.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:37:10 +0000

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