I know you can not fix Stupid in this nation, NY being the worst, - TopicsExpress


I know you can not fix Stupid in this nation, NY being the worst, but I also can not help but wonder how much of this shit people think that a wound will take when you keep cutting it with a knife and never letting it heal? Duh! Our government is not enforcing, nor are they allowed to enforce existing laws, Where is the outcry for our military being held illegally? Bunch of shit for brains. Laws are put in place for a damn reason and if that is to much for you to comprehend then maybe your ass needs to go to those lawless countries to live. Oh I forgot that is what the bleeding heart liberal Democrats are doing now and that is trying to turn this nation into a land of no law, and if you try to enforce existing laws your are considered heartless, or racist, I have a couple of words for you brain dead zombies, FU! You obviously never been in a demilitarized zone, and yes I have between North and South Korea, where your ass gets shot if you get caught in it, No ifs ands or butts. I have been deployed to areas and observed thew sub culture of the Muslim cult and seen how the women have less rights than a rabid dog would have. But oh these bleeding heart liberals want this for America, because they dont want us to no longer be a land of laws not to enforce them. Charity begins at home, Mexico, and the Central Americas, who are causing this problem, of illegal immigrants, to include our own government, who support this, both overtly and covertly, Need to be charged for treason themselves. There is already relief organization in place and should be utilized, for the support of the children, and legally bring them into the US to allow them a chance for a better future. We all are immigrants, but you have to do it legally, or this land will be no better than the one you left, as there will be no laws to protect you anymore, because laws dont matter any more. Enough Said.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 23:38:57 +0000

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