I learned some important things today. It changed my perspective - TopicsExpress


I learned some important things today. It changed my perspective on a lot of things.. I can see peoples character cracking/breaking down. The non shine is killin-m. I can see folks lying to themselves in an unhealthy way. They will never rise and make an impact. I can see my enemies and under cover haters wanting to attach themselves to g-style because their shit aint working. Trying to level themselves up as if theyve done as much as I, or have the same impact- when they aint done shit. Im a man who works 10 times harder than anybody to bring you guys the best possible information to help. I work hard to bring you information you can understand. Information that empowers you, and inspires creativity I police the popping world like no other OG ever in the hostory of the dance. I sacrificed my entire financial potential protecting the history of the dance from clone-ism, lies. Ive had friends that Ive known for over 30 years turn their backs. Ive had nearly all OGS turn their backs and pussy up to the gate keeper even when they was getting raped by that same gate keeper. Ive created an entire new genre in 2000 called popping music/beats.. I created an outlet for musicians and djs who do beats. I have changed the entire popping world, and implemented g-style world wide. In every dance studio in the world they say 1.slick dogg and 2.g-style. Before they only knew one thing,, boogaloo. As I said to accomplish this I had to endure systematic propaganda, and twisting of all my good intent. Intense pressure 24/7/365 days a year for 14 years! I got people trying to pick my brain, steal any ideas I got, study my crews styles and try to bite everything. I constantly got super slick dick riders trying.to claim the success of g-style. Seems like everybody got secret knowledge about me..=) All the while I keep my dignity.. I have come to the conclusion that the only ppl I truly have energy for is new students , fans of the dance, and people who aint hell bent on taking from the dance. Popin Pete actually wrote this.. Many dancers are taking on other dancers identity by wanting to dance like someone else just because that dancer won a contest or very popular, how do you feel when people say to you wow you got down, Mannnn you look just like so and so and you turn and say thank you, how do you live with yourself lol, FIND YOUR OWN IDENTITY IN THE DANCE, STOP TRYING BE SOMEBODY ELSE!!! INVASION OF THE BODY POPPERS --------Now this is a guy who created what he wrote about, and profited of that same clone world hes condemning. .. This is like creating gangbanging, profiting off the gangbangers, then when he cant make no more money? Tells them your bad people for gangbanging as if he didnt father all of them.. The same shit he called me a hater for-Now hes trying to sound like me? (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE)SMH... Whatever subject slick doggie puts up for a video tutorial? All of a sudden them fools are.teachinh classes based upon whatever Im doing....lol They have no shame.. All in all Im gonna concentrate my efforts away from facebook soon. All I need is new poppers/students.. When I leave this game? This shit is gonna suffer because all you have left is parasites and liars. OGs with No balls to do the right thing..
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 07:28:19 +0000

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