Your message was not sent Your account has been temporarily - TopicsExpress


Your message was not sent Your account has been temporarily blocked from sending messages. This block can be caused by sending messages that trigger our spam filters, or by having too many recipients in one email. We encourage you to review the contents and recipient list of your message, and try sending it at after an hour or two. Doing so will usually resolve the matter. If you are still unable to send messages after a 24-hour period, please read our FAQ for more information and to request Customer Care assistance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thanks, The Yahoo! Mail Team Back ================================ OMG.. padahal kirim aktivasi web kenapa dikira spamming ya.. :( Ketularan FB nih dia, mulai rewel.. Pusiiiing donk kalo ke blocked emailnya T_T *meski cuma sementara*
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:41:54 +0000

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