I lovvveeee this. Because it causes you to really think about - TopicsExpress


I lovvveeee this. Because it causes you to really think about every single movement and position they take. Shia hanging above her being able to use his own strength to pull him up while she lies on the floor... The only time when she can be above him is when he physically lifts her up, but he can only feel calm when she is close to him and she more instinctively distances herself. I dont find it creepy at all, so the people hating it and criticising on terms of pedophilia are looking at it way to simply. Sia has described it on twitter as These two warring sia self states. I think the two people are metaphors for very conflicting emotional states. And to further demonstrate this Sia has chosen two complete opposites to resemble them in terms of gender, age, & physical appearance. One is physically stronger, older, more rugged and dominating played by Shia Lebouf. Then there is Maddie who brings an innocence, softness and ability to manipulate the anger and strength of the other character through her presence. I think Shia plays the mental illness and maddie is the slow approach of healing that hasnt been around long enough to stay planted in the mind hence the contrast of age and ability to leave. She can come and go through the bars at any time, knowing she can walk away and block it out when she wants to, but cannot completely take out the trauma she can only try to battle with it slowly. They are trying to fight for the power in Sias mind but only when they learn to live co-existing will there be a balance in emotion, & total peace of mind. Its complex, quirky and original. Its definitely Sia. She is an artist.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:34:44 +0000

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