I miss connecting with you – I haven’t forgotten you, not at - TopicsExpress


I miss connecting with you – I haven’t forgotten you, not at all. I’ve had a bad case of laryngitis that is hanging around like a bee does with honey (like a moth to a flame). It’s been an interesting journey, not having my voice for almost a week. I’ve had laryngitis before, and lost my voice, but this time it affected me differently. At first, I was okay with it…given that I talk for a living, being quiet was a nice break even though I had a lot to do for myself and family, especially my mother who is still recovering from her fall and severe concussion. But I was able to write notes on paper, text my responses, or play a pretty bad game of charades…I definitely better keep my day job:) But seriously, after a few days of not being able to speak, I had a strange sadness visit me…I realized that I missed the warm tone of my own voice. I missed hearing the tender sweetness that often rolls from my lips, I missed my own boisterous laughter…I was Hungry for my soothing and soft voice, often deep and rich that dwells within me. I have grown to truly like me, to enjoy me…I have so befriended the stranger who was myself, that she is no longer a stranger. Whether anyone else missed me or not, I missed me and that felt really good. People who know me well, know that I am comfortable being quiet and I enjoy my own company. Sometimes it has been difficult for people to navigate, what a friend called today that part of me that is more of a loner. By text, because I had no voice, we had a beautiful communication about how different our styles are, how we each for our own reasons find our comfort in different ways – my friend embraces the company of friends and I, while having the wonderful and loving friends, am often drawn more to the friendship of solitude which replenishes and restores me. Had I had my physical voice, my deeper voice may not have made time or room for this very important and tender sharing. Not having my physical voice made me aware of how deeply connected I am to my inner soul voice and how rich my world is inside and out. While my physical voice is weak, my spirit feels strong. My niece, a professional singer and performer, said “Aunt Robin, remember the vocal cords are a muscle, and like all others, when they are severely strained need the same rest and care as other muscles. I was wondering...when was the last time you heard your own true voice? Was it recently? Ever? Do you miss yourself when you aren’t around? Are you waiting for someone else to acknowledge you with a smile when you are the one who needs to greet yourself first with a welcoming and joyful embrace? Do you even know when you’re missing in action? Take some time right now to listen for the sound of your own soul’s voice. What is he or she saying to you? Listen closely, you don’t want to pass by yourself and not know it’s you. I can’t wait to share with you my plans for the fall and next year – it’s all very exciting. You’ll be hearing from me soon - start looking for me in your neck of the woods. I’m coming out…to see you! Know you matter to me and I care!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 04:49:53 +0000

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