I offered to take this little munchkin in for a couple of days - TopicsExpress


I offered to take this little munchkin in for a couple of days after she started going downhill yesterday. Her and her sibling were orphaned and were put in with another mom and her babies that were about the same age. Unfortunately this little girl and her brother were not well and likely were already quite dehydrated when they arrived in my friends care. They appeared to be nursing and doing well on Tuesday morning but by Tuesday evening, this little girls brother had died and she was on deaths door, laying very still with a very weak meow and bad coloring. I have seen this all too often and honestly did not expect this little one to make it but she is a fighter. I took her home where she was started on Clavamox, given a nebulizing treatment, sub q fluids (three times) and tube fed every 2.5 hours. Each time I got up through the night I expected to see she had passed. But, looking at her now you would never know she was so close to death less than a day ago. The last feeding she was up, walking around and meowing (LOUD) asking for food AND she took the nipple when I offered it so tube feeding was not necessary. :) Feel relieved right now as she goes back to my friend tomorrow as I am away at a cat show all weekend and the fact she shouldnt need to be tube fed anymore is really great as it is not something that everyone feels comfortable doing.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Apr 2014 21:42:22 +0000

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