I often get asked how do I find the energy to workout when I am - TopicsExpress


I often get asked how do I find the energy to workout when I am exhausted with a baby and young kids. Although I do have times where I truly am too exhausted to workout (in fact, the past few weeks have been like this - I have 9month old cutting her back teeth and is up all night long) most of the time, I AM exhausted when I walk out the door. Most of the time I dont really feel like working out and would much rather finish projects at home, or just get some much needed rest. But the truth is, I feel so much better about myself after I workout. I feel proud of myself, accomplished, and recharged because Ive taken 30-60 minutes for myself. For me, working out is less about how I look in my clothes (although its a nice side effect), but more about the way I feel when I take care of and challenge myself. I dont have a nanny or a babysitter so I usually wake up early before the kids get up and that is when I get to the gym (around 5:30am). I wanted to share this to let you know that you are not alone if you usually dont feel like working out - most of the time I dont either! But I know that it boosts my self esteem, helps me relieve frustrations, and I am a better mom and wife when I do. Your friend, Natalie
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 19:09:00 +0000

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