I often wrestle with myself in that I feel as if perhaps I speak - TopicsExpress


I often wrestle with myself in that I feel as if perhaps I speak on certain Biblical issues so much (evolution vs. creation...age of the earth/dinosaurs...nephilim...the flood, etc...), when there are SO MANY others that are worthy of our collective attention. Also, I never want to fall into the trap of focusing so much on apologetics that I myself fail to focus enough attention on living the life that God is calling me to live. I can tell, too that some people --even Christians (especially of my parents generation)-- seem to get tired of hearing about these topics. At times, this apparent disinterest can be disheartening, and makes me question whether I am overestimating the importance of that which I am addressing. Ultimately though, I realize after thinking it through, that the truth is.. most of those people who are disinterested, are disinterested because they truly dont understand the size and scope of these problems, and how misunderstanding these issues creates a metaphorical wall between people and their SALVATION. Now this is not to say that God cant break down these walls whenever He wants--He can reveal Himself to any person at any given moment any way He chooses. But if we recognize a CRITICAL set of lies that are causing a foundational distrust of/unbelief in the Bible, should we not be collectively making extraordinary efforts to combat them, and reveal the truth? Belief in the lie of evolution inherently DESTROYS Genesis as the literal historical account that it was intended to be. One of the many problems with that is when Genesis is not taken literally, we have NO NEED for a savior--completely making Jesus coming seem like a whole bunch of nonsense to anyone who follows through with a rational attempt to understand salvation... ...Not to mention Jesus Himself refers to Genesis as a literal account! This one SINGLE lie has been, and will continue to be the root cause for millions upon millions of people denying Christ and the Bible, therefore sealing their fate in an unrepentant trip to the pit. I mean, how much more serious can a lie get? If this lie doesnt warrant a legitimate portion of our attention and energy as Christians, what lie ever COULD?! In attempting to deconstruct this lie and show people that the Bible should be taken seriously as a source of truth, we are fighting against a LIFETIME of secular indoctrination from schools, TV, universities and science alike. This is NO easy task, take it from me. Some people are so seemingly hopelessly swept away by these fantastical but well executed lies that they refuse to even hear out an alternative perspective without getting furious and violently defensive. We are already at such a point now where no matter how well you present the rational and scientific evidence supporting the Biblical account, people will mock you and slander you and refuse to even address what you are saying, because they are so arrogantly deceived. ...and it will only get worse. All things considered, as long as I continue to see my loved ones fall prey to such deceit, at the cost of their eternal soul, I will NOT rest on these issues. I can only pray that Christians everywhere recognize the sadistic and insidious purpose of these lies, and choose to help defend Gods word by refuting them....too many souls are at stake not to. Jude 1:17-19 But you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ, that they were saying to you, In the last time there will be mockers, following after their own ungodly lusts. These are the ones who cause divisions, worldly-minded, devoid of the Spirit.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:28:33 +0000

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