I received a very touching letter from a reader of my column in - TopicsExpress


I received a very touching letter from a reader of my column in Entrepreneur Magazine (article link below letter). Reminds me why I do what I do and that we all need coaches in our lives. With his permission, Ive shared his letter below... John, My name is C.W., Im a young entrepreneur in Massachusetts. Ive been building, branding, researching, and most of all working my ass off the last year and a half on my start-up. Truth be told, your article Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional came to me during the exact right moment in time. See, before I took the pledge to becoming an entrepreneur, I was working in music business. I started off managing studios, then managing artists, then leaving it all behind. I couldnt figure out why the business wasnt in my favor. Why exactly I couldnt get that big break that I saw everyone around me achieving. About a year ago, I co-founded a company with an old co-worker. Weve been on the grind since day 1. Recently Ive garnered the same feelings I had when I was stuck in the rut during my music business career. and that feeling, is the feeling of forfeit. For the past week, Ive felt this overwhelming feeling to just forfeit. BUT where would I be, what would I do? This is where your article came into play. I have never read anything through-out my entire life that has impacted me as much as this. Within minutes of reading your article everything in my life has come to be so clear to why success has never dawned. My business partner is also personal trainer and he has been trying to illuminate all the details your article has spotlighted. Ive just been to relaxed to listen. SO...this is a thank you. Thank you for helping me come to realization that Im not the only one struggling with investment, Im not the only one struggling with success, and that everyone and every company has its fair share of rejection and triumph, and that the reason of my past failure is due to quitting right outside the finish line. And most importantly that the new finish line is in near site and ready for my crossing. Cheers, C.W.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 18:17:13 +0000

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