I remain unsurprised that history keeps repeating itself. This is - TopicsExpress


I remain unsurprised that history keeps repeating itself. This is why in the recent past we had NuLabour urging schools to water down the teaching of history. Knowledge is power, and keeping this knowledge from the masses leads to mental inertia, stemming the ability to think for oneself, allowing acceptance of the rule by the minority whose views are so often at variance with the good of the whole. We see the results of this in action by the flooding of the House of Lords with the placemen and women only too willing to copper-fasten yet more suppressive laws, effectively removing any remaining rights and freedoms we might still possess. With your background you are only too aware that once a law is written it is rarely unwritten - if at all. When the Common Market was first established we were clearly misled into believing it was a useful tool to expedite trade among European countries. Yet right from the outset it possessed a hidden agenda that has revealed itself as the years passed. This revealed that the growing authority of this new Super-Government slowly subsumed lawful rights of national governments. We have now arrived at the point where we are in the position of virtual serfdom to this self-serving behemoth. The European Union appears unanswerable to anyone, persistently refuses to publish its accounts, as year on year countless billions remain unaccounted for and endless fraud is rife. It is as if the Mafia has subsumed the whole of Europe. Then there is the growing strength of Germany, which appears to have placed itself into an unassailable central role where it is in charge. It orders member countries to its bidding, apparently realising it has achieved its historical aim of being overall master of Europe without firing a shot. This is, to my mind, a virtual-reality war, where Germany is inevitably winning every battle, using the ploy of virtual-reality money as the tool to enslave the rest of us. This is achieved with the assistance of quisling governments that appear only too anxious to do their bidding . Perhaps this arrogant attitude explains in part the role of the missing billions, an gargantuan fund that is likely as not side-lined to help fund the European Bank, now used as the central powerbase at the core of this sinister plot. We have witnessed that when any country is on the point of ‘failure’, any attempt seek help from The World Bank, is immediately refused permission by Frau Merkel and her sidekicks who operate at the higher echelons at Brussels. It pains me each time I see a ‘democratically’ elected leader of a member country paying court to this Socialist woman. It is stomach-churning to watch them bowing and scraping as they kiss her hand, or cheek. She in turn presents them with a superior grin, knowing full well these ‘leaders’ are mere pawns in the greater game that lies at the heart of German thinking.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 11:45:47 +0000

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