I remember one day, Ms. Dani and I were coming back from town with - TopicsExpress


I remember one day, Ms. Dani and I were coming back from town with my mom and dad, Dani and I had to of been pretty young, I wish I could remember the year... We stopped in the village before heading up the hill to home. Greg Boughner walks past my dad and non chalantly says to him, your house just burned down... Well we hurry up the hill and get up there to find... probably a quarter of Princes Camp had burnt down... the neighbors (weekenders) had tried to cook something, the propane stove wasnt working right or something, they fanned it, the flames somehow went to the tank, it blew up, started their place on fire, then ours, then the place next to that, and then another, propane tanks (the big ones) got so hot they actually blew into the air and came down and started fires. even across the road at Pozzis (the driveway just between the bridge and the cattle guard as you came into Princes Camp) Thankfully it didnt burn anything to important over there or hurt the animals... It was pretty scary up there I guess... George Boughner and some other man (I forget who now, its been so many yrs ago) thought that me and ms. dani were inside our place and went into it while it was burning looking for us kids... seems like one of them got some burns.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:41:43 +0000

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