I remember practicing the bullwhip in the parking lot at Friends - TopicsExpress


I remember practicing the bullwhip in the parking lot at Friends of Masonboro Yacht Club the first few times back in 2012... People walking by saying with a smile on their faces, Um...what are you doing Frucci? Upon explaining that I was playing Satan in a film and that the bullwhip would be on fire while I was creating havoc in an old west town...I was given a nickname which stuck. It all started with Adam Hulin, the director for the film, calling me one day a few weeks after I sailed back from Bermuda. I had worked for him before on a film called Its Hour Come Round. He said, Hey Greg, I am directing a film and you would be good for a role in it. I didnt know if I could make it work time wise because it would be shooting out of town, I needed to work, I was beginning the book...blah, blah, blah... Then Adam said, If you dont know how to use a bullwhip [I didnt], I need you to learn how. The bullwhip will be made of kevlar which we will lite on fire while we film you. Your character is Satan. I laughed and said, Hell yeah...when do we start shooting? So I practiced the whip for several weeks with Lucky barking and humans laughing at me when the whip would hit me in the face or back of the head. During the process, passers by would ask, When is the film coming out? Well... the creators of the film stuck with it and made it happen... years in the making and countless hours by humans driven to cross a finish line... the film is complete and they are premiering the film in both Greensboro, NC and in Raleigh. I wish I could go, but I am in Sausalito, California. This film was the last one I was in and happens to be the most fun of all. Using a flaming bullwhip was a blast...especially when it cracked and shot flames everywhere. I wish people could have seen the looks on the faces of the film makers...hilarious. Oh, and the flaming tennis balls (I was wearing flame retardant gloves)...the film makers kept yelling, throw the balls, Frucci! Your gonna burn your hands, throw the damn balls! hahahahaha...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:23:10 +0000

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