[I remember the “big voice” system that allowed the president - TopicsExpress


[I remember the “big voice” system that allowed the president to address the public at any time to promulgate any propaganda. It appears Orwell was about 30 years early in his prediction, but right on target nonetheless. As The Hill reports, “The national Emergency Alert System broadcasts television alert messages to warn people about immediate dangers. The system is often used at the local level to warn people about weather conditions such as tornadoes or flash floods.” So why does the president need a special code which will give him the immediate ability to “address” the American people? And who in the president’s administration will determine what is an emergency? Let me see if I understand this correctly. The president can just flip a switch and all TV channels go to him speaking? And what is the intent? Is it to tell Americans we’re dispersing illegal immigrants all across the country? Is the purpose to allow the president to issue whatever ideological propaganda message he desires? The Hill reports “the current system is not capable of reaching the entire country all at once should the president need to warn the public of something like a terrorist attack or an act of war against the country. Instead, to reach the entire country, each local jurisdiction would have to broadcast the same message — a tedious process that could leave room for gaps if one station misses the broadcast. So the FCC is proposing a national location code that would give the president the ability to broadcast to the entire country with a single message in the event of a nationwide emergency. The proposal will be published in Tuesday’s edition of the Federal Register. The FCC says the update will help with “saving human lives, reducing injuries, mitigating property damage, and minimizing the disruption of the national economy.” I always love how we mask nefarious intents under the guise of helping, warning, protecting, and preparing the American people. We have 24-hour news and weather channels that inform the American people. And a terrorist attack? Here we go with fear-mongering in order to expand government control. Didn’t we just hear the same about the NSA surveillance program of Americans? And once again, something is being added to the Federal Registry under the ever-expanding bureaucratic regulatory state — and not by legislative process. So much for protecting, warning and informing the American people. The FCC estimates the new technology and testing would cost the industry between $7 million and $13.6 million in compliance costs. So whom do you think will actually have to pay for these update costs? Yep, you and me, Joe and Jane Doe American consumer. The last thing anyone in America should want is a president with the ability to flip a switch and broadcast directly into your home. We, the public have 30 days to comment on the proposed rules — go to the Federal Registry and review the document. Hey, there you go. Why do we need an update to the system? I just warned you of an eminent danger — more government intrusion — and it didn’t cost you anything.] --Allen B. West Read more at allenbwest/2014/07/obama-channel-fcc-considers-emergency-system-gives-president-universal-access-broadcast-nationwide/#cg9eLkQf5bV2XYp6.99
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 02:05:08 +0000

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