I saw “Tron: Legacy” in 3-D, and boy did that suck. I was so - TopicsExpress


I saw “Tron: Legacy” in 3-D, and boy did that suck. I was so excited and hopeful about this one, and it was one heaping pile of 3-dimenional monkey crap. You’d think that nearly 30 years to prepare would be long enough to produce something exceptional; obviously not. First, the bad: the writing. Oh, my dear God, whoever wrote the dialogue for this is guilty of theft, because there was not one single original thought, line, sentiment or idea in the tire film. From the cheesy battle-speak to the ham-handed conveyance of emotion, every word seemed forced, trite and entirely contrived. It was painful to watch. Second, the worse: the acting. It’s saying something that Jeff Bridges wasn’t able to fully overcome the writing he had to work with. He was his usual excellent self, but he seemed to be aware of the absurdity of everything going on, so there was an element of furtive tongue-in-cheek to his performance. The lone bright spot was Garrett Hedlund, who is clearly far too talented to be involved in something this bad (like Shia LaBeouf in the “Transformers” movies). I like James Frain, but he was terrible in this. And just a friendly tip: don’t ever shave your head again. Ever. EVER. Third, the worst: the CGI. Now, this is one of those things that is both good and bad, because the overall layout of the digital world was fantastic, and it was everything you would expect from a film like this: visually stunning, stylistic, and unique. However, the work done on the youthful version of Jeff Bridges was TERRIBLE. He looked like a character from one of those Disney Channel fairy tale movies. His face didn’t move naturally, his gestures were Gumby-like, and he had that creepy non-focused gaze that customarily accompanies such creations. It was like watching those crappy action sequences from “Daredevil.” Again, painful to watch. Man, when something this anticipated comes up so short, it just deflates the spirit. For as much as they spent on this, and for all the talent involved, this is as big a dud as I’ve seen since Mel Gibson’s “Edge of Darkness.” If all you want is some cool CGI and WB-network-worthy writing, then go for it. If you want to see a bona fide sci-fi actioner, pass this one up and rent “Avatar” again. I’m going to be generous (because of some cool graphic environs and Garrett Hedlund’s ability to rise above his writing), and give this heap of crap... $2 12/17/10
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 23:06:12 +0000

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