No Force, No Indictment No Indictment is to be expected and - TopicsExpress


No Force, No Indictment No Indictment is to be expected and anticipated in every case of white police / white people acting against Black People, and where an institutionally racist system is appealed to for justice or a remedy. The standing principle and practice of white people vis-à-vis Black People is “A Black Person has no rights that a white person is bound to respect”. This is the institutionalized law of the land. We, Black People, know this yet we shut our eyes and our brains to this reality. There is no case of racist violence, murder and otherwise, where a Black Family and Black Community has not cried out for justice. Yet, consistently, we have been directed, almost to a fault, to appeal to the very system that authorizes the racism, violence and injustice against us for justice and a remedy. We do this based upon repetitive betrayal by so-called leaders; social and media propaganda that tells us justice is possible via the ‘system’. Out of ignorance – not critically analyzing the ‘system’ for what it is and does; out of cowardice, scared of being hurt or killed should we take the very actions we know are required to make a difference – especially the action of force - our stance keeps us as victims of white racism and its attendant violence. At best the racist institution concedes an injustice by way of payments; paid out of the tax-payers, the victims, own pockets; double victimization, if you will. No indictment of police officers, corrupt prosecutors, coroners, lawyers, vigilantes, club racist (i.e. kkk), judges, or administrators of the ‘system’ takes place; instead of retrenchment, a reinforcement of the ‘system’ takes place each time it ignores and refuses to take action. Furthermore, in each instance the ‘system’ reiterates the ‘law of the land’ to us: “A Black Person has no rights that a white person is bound to respect”. We, Black People, prefacing the statement with the following word: “in this country…” repeat the same ‘law of the land’ among ourselves. We know what it is. We then go through the motions of considering possibilities to remedy the ongoing atrocity, first starting with appealing to a higher entrenched ‘white authority’ – for example, the ‘Department of Justice’; that truly if it were such as its name implies it would not need to be appealed to because it would already be in action on behalf of justice. More often than not it refuses to take action; when it does it conspires with its racist self and finds ‘no fault’. Next we look to resistance starting with its least form – verbal protest; followed by public protect – demonstrations. Next, boycotts - for the most part ‘limited boycotts’. However, none of these measures work for the simple fact that they are not designed to work. The degree of their effectiveness is like throwing a cup of water on a raging forest fire. Yet, when measures that is sure to have some effect, though costly and requiring fortitude, commitment, time, sacrifice, pain, and even life, is suggested, it is vetoed by way of betrayal, ignorance, cowardice or some other reason. The most effective counter to racism is force. However Black People are consistently told that force, somehow, is evil; and, not only should it not be a last resort, it should not be a resort at all. Consequently, the only real threat and counter to racism and white terrorism against Black people is taken off taken off the table. It’s like hiding the cure for the disease, and instead staying with treating its symptoms in a never ending battle. A few things that must be understood by Black People, starting with this: Racism is an act of violence and is reinforced by way of violence. Racist have no since of morality, compassion, empathy, justice, law, rightness, or any feeling or any thinking that would cause them to see being racist and imposing racism as wrong. That white people have no intentions of ending racism, because, principally they benefit from it. It works for them politically, economically, socially, culturally, and in every other imaginable way, because in short it gives them dominance and advantage. Next, racism/racist does not have the capacity to end itself, it requires outside force to do so. Yet, Black People have taken the option of force off the table, therefore sentencing themselves to a continuation of racist domination and violence. Black People must understand that for racist/racism to end, it is Black People who will and must bring it to an end by way of force. Force means that Black People must be confrontational on all levels and in all arenas with white people to cause them to cease their violent imposition against Black People. And yes it means engaging in doing harm, including killing those that act against Black People or threaten to do so. White people that do harm under the color of racism to Black People should be dealt with by Black People. If the institutionalized system refuses to administer justice and defense of Black People it is their responsibility to do so out of one’s own responsibility to safety, health and welfare. It means that Black People must identify those that threaten and those that have harmed Black People and target them in ways that neutralize their capacity to harm or ever again harm Black People. Force must be engaged on an ongoing persistent and consistent basis until the problem of racist/racism is remedied. Of course the question of how can force be administered against such a violent and well armed people? The answer is to divide and conquer. White racist operate in groups and hide behind titles and positions such as: police, judge, ‘the law’, ‘just doing my job’, kkk, , etc. It is the responsibility of Black People to not allow any screen or cloak to interfere with administering justice towards any racist no matter where they stand. It is the responsibility of Black People to isolate the attacker or threatening racist and neutralize said person(s). Already white racist and their system of racism defend white racist and racism therefore it requires that Black people create measures to break the defense of white racist… Examples are the group ‘Seven Days’ as created in the novel (book) ‘Song of Solomon’ by Toni Morrison; or the ‘Hit Man’ character as demonstrated in the book ‘Suns of Darkness Sons of Light’ by John A. Williams, or even the so-called D.C. Sniper (John Muhammad); though not to do what he did by targeting innocent people. Force can come in other ways, non-lethal as well. For example, forcing a change to where only people from the community are empowered to police the community, or represent the community, etc. Let me illustrate how white racism works… Imagine a black-circle and a white-circle. Now imagine the white-circle covering the black circle to the extent that you no longer see the black-circle. This, symbolically, is akin to white racism, which is a system of ‘total domination’ where every aspect of Black Life is dominated and controlled by white force to the benefit of white people/white racist. To put an end to this Black people must forcefully throw off the domination of white people to the extent that we are independent of white control and are satisfied with our safety, health and welfare vis-à-vis white people. This, symbolically, is the white-circle no longer covering the black-circle. White racism must be confronted on every level as a daily practice by Black People until it is disappeared. Black People must make the cost of white people’s willingness to end racism more desirable than is the cost of continuing racism. Black People must understand that it is Black People who will cause white racism to end by neutralizing white racist; and that until we engage force - including violence – in doing so there will continue to be an outcome of ‘No Indictment’ from the very institutions of racism that we misleadingly continue to appeal to. Black People must transform this society by force into one where the law of the land is such that ‘There Are No Rights Of Black People That Are Disrespected”. As you and I rightfully embrace force in honor of justice let us clothe ourselves in the words of the anti-racist leader and activist Henry Highland Garnett: Let Your Motto Be Resistance. Heru-Ka Anu
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:07:15 +0000

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