I saw an amazing part of an otherwise eh Nova or Nature last night - TopicsExpress


I saw an amazing part of an otherwise eh Nova or Nature last night about Dogs. Much of it was the usual evolution, domestication blah blah blah but then it got into human/dog interaction. 1. Dog owners could differentiate what situation an unknown dog was in just by listening to barks on headphones (apparently wolves only bark one way under one condition - so dogs seem to have devleoped a "language" after domestication - simplified version. 2 and this was amazing. Many dog owners say that their dog understands what they are feeling when they look at the owners face. When humans are presented with a face in a lab or when meeting someone, we overwhelmingly look left at the face to presumably pick up subtle non-verbal cues. Monkeys and apes do not. In fact the only animals that do are dogs and it is again, overwhelmingly left.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 15:01:13 +0000

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