I saw two Silicon Valley related movies this weekend: - Jobs - - TopicsExpress


I saw two Silicon Valley related movies this weekend: - Jobs - The Internship I was prepared to dislike Jobs because I’m not a fan of Ashton Kutcher and some of the “inaccuracies” sited by Woz and others in the press. However, I know enough about Steve Jobs to appreciate that, in broad strokes, they captured his asshole-genius passion and the consequent drama of his career (which, let’s face it, is what a movie should do). I was also impressed by Ashton Kutcher’s portrayal and just may become a reluctant fan. Kutcher nailed Job’s expressions and mannerisms. However, I was disappointed that they skipped over the “blue box” and Pixar episodes, which I think are very significant; but I appreciate that the focus was on the drama of the man’s life, instead of his impressive resume. The Internship is just a fun movie and who can pass up a movie starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, with cameos from Will Ferrell, Rob Riggle and John Goodman? (We were even treated to Sergey Brin’s back.) It’s about two down-on-their-luck, middle-aged sales guys who decide to switch from selling watches to working at Google. You love it already, right?! The movie is exactly what you’d expect and it doesn’t disappoint. It’s gratifying to see that, after so many years of being ignored, Hollywood has finally discovered Silicon Valley. This pace is ripe with comedy, drama and, oh yes, terror. Joe Bob says check them out.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 17:33:16 +0000

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