I see treasure troves when I look at the Muslim community. Men and - TopicsExpress


I see treasure troves when I look at the Muslim community. Men and women with astounding God-given resources and talents that, if utilized within the context of bettering ourselves and surroundings, would enrich and transform the way we learn and apply our faith. But some of these men and women hold onto what they have, afraid to let the sun cast its light on the seed of potential. if they only allowed it, that seed could grow into a tree, and gather other seeds around it until they, together, become a beautiful, dense forest. But they withhold their seeds from the light of guidance, refusing to let them grow because they fear being cut down. Or worse, they allow the seed to grow, but in a kind of deluded darkness that causes the seed to sprout into a superficial, weak, rootless plant that is knocked down by the first gust of an angry storm. The greatest disservice we can do to ourselves is be convinced that we have nothing to give. There is always something to give. Whether your most precious possession is your time, money or efforts, why are you afraid of giving away the most precious thing you have? Aisha (ra) would perfume her coins in musk before giving them in charity. When asked why she did this, she explained that the charity reaches Allah (swt) before it ever touches the hand of the person in need. She gave away so much although wealth in the home of the Prophet (saw) was not abundant. And she gave it in a way that both honoured the recipient and showed her appreciation for the everlasting reward she expected from Allah (swt). When you hold onto what you have for fear of it being depleted, know that it will surely be depleted. Your money will leave you, your education will become outdated, your talents will dissipate with age. But when you give freely, even if what you have seems to become depleted, it will be restored and multiplied – that you may give again. It will be multiplied in a place where normal rules of multiplication do not apply. Paradise. A dollar. A minute. A good word. They seem almost worthless – something given in passing without much thought. But you won’t see them as such in Paradise. They will be greater, they will be everlasting. They will be transformed into reward and peace as farther than the eye can see, farther than the mind can perceive. And most important of all, they will be transformed into the thing that is even more beloved than all that – the pleasure of God. When you hold onto that which you love most, selfishly, you will surely see it wither and die. But when you unclench your fist, figuratively perfuming your coins, you will build something invaluable and unparalleled in this world and the next: a heart that expands, and a Garden that expands. “Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah] from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it” (3:92). What is it that you love the most, that you may give from it?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 02:45:55 +0000

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