I sit patiently and listen to all the whining about the Second - TopicsExpress


I sit patiently and listen to all the whining about the Second Amendment and how it doesnt guarantee my right to have a gun and all of the anti-gun arguments about weve moved beyond those days, get into the 21st Century, et al. The Founders in their infinite wisdom (well not infinite they failed to protect us against a jackass like Obama but they never thought a man seek to be the nations leader so he could destroy it) provided a way for you anti-gun folks to have your way: Amendment. Its very simple, you get an Amendment ratified by the Several States to repeal the Second Amendment and we all give up our guns. Process is fairly simple; get both houses of Congress to propose and pass the Amendment; send it to the Several States for ratification (by the way, other than the Teddy Roosevelts bully pulpit, your favorite Marxist gets to play no role in the amendment process); have three quarters of the States ratify the amendment. Done Deal. Just in case, there is an alternative method, it can originate at the state level and bypass Congress altogether. Either way all you need is 75% of the states to agree with you and you get your way. SO STOP WHINING AND GET WORKING, bunch of whiny Liberal wusses. The Founders gave you a solution, use it. Of course if the truth will out, and it always will ultimately, you know you dont stand a chance. So you will continue to whine and pout and try to connive your way to victory rather than stand up and let the system work as designed.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 15:46:46 +0000

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