I stand with Israel, but it has nothing to do with the traces of - TopicsExpress


I stand with Israel, but it has nothing to do with the traces of Jewish blood that runs through my veins, if I found out I was ⅛ Iranian, id feel the same way. And heres the proof.. I have both had discussion with my brother Mike and the little lady in this video about Iran, in fact she told me I was being naive lol. I believe my friend Aurailia said the same thing, right after she said: they hate us and then she went onto tactfully tell me that Ive never been there.. after hearing me discuss some of my Ideas for Peace. But I have learned a lot since those days. I still have yet to visit Israel, I want to go w/ my mom. But I do keep up with the news and I dont think that its cool that the only way I knew that 60 rockets were fired into Israel was by reading Mike & Lizis newsfeed. If not for them, I would have NEVER known. And Im a #NewsNerd. I dont know why the media failed to report this. Ben Sherwood, youre doing a great job at ABC, congrats again on taking the reigns at Disney, but Im sorry, I want to know when 60 rockets are fired over there. If you have friends or family over there, then your heart skips a beat when you read in your newsfeed.. rockets are raining down on us, as I speak. Last night when I found out about the LA earthquake, my thoughts instantly went to my cousin, Aurailia & JD, Josh & Jenny, Liliana & Mark. Most fortunately in both cases no one was hurt, however 10 minutes after I read my cousins funny earthquake status ABC News posted Earthquake hits Los Angeles. However, unlike with the earthquake I heard nothing from no one. Until the next day when BBC reported that Israel launched an attack (then I click on the link and find out that it was a retaliatory attack). And I dont understand it. And Im not trying to get conspiracy theory, cuz I know you of all people have love for Israel. And in the past, it seemed like it was the other way around. It seemed like everything had a bit of an Israel bias. And here is why I feel this is important. In addition to having loved ones over there; I follow media trends, the public mood and I study propaganda like a champ. Its also not that hard to see that there are people all over the world that HATE Israel. ITS HATE, ITS EVIL, ITS UNDESERVED, AND IT COMES FROM THE PIT OF HELL. Just visit youtube and read a few comments on anything having to do with Israel. And I dont want to see America slipping away. Because until I see and read Muslim and European folks condemning IN STRONG TERMS violence towards Israel, until that time, Israel needs a big brother and folks to pray for the peace of Israel). But as of today, I just see hate. And I think in decades and generations, both my brother Mike and I do. European population trends are on the decline and Muslim births are on the rise. I dont want the world to slowly start blaming Israel and jews for stupid shit and saying absurd & hateful things that dont even make sense. Do you think Evil has saw the error of its ways and has gotten out of the Jew killing business? For reasons unexplained theres a spirit that wont be happy until the Jews and Israel ceases to exist. Its happened before again and again and again but still despite it all WE hang on (*I say we because I stand with Israel). At the Age of 27 I took to wearing a Yamaka and have since then (some folks in my family thought I was crazy.. what was crazy is for 4 years I felt that Something wanted me to. I didnt know why, but now I have my theories.. but maybe Im crazy.. I felt crazy in Germany (with this yamaka on my head) but Heaven has blessed me with so much, so if this is what I believe the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob requirea of me, I will obey the quiet whispers of my heart. And I will not betray my people or my common sense, I STAND WITH ISRAEL, but I know Israels leaders are not perfect. In the bible God didnt endorse everything Israel did, and neither do I. I am very, very hesitant about engaging hostilities with Iran,.. I learned the lesson of Iraq, war is expensive and has consequences. So its a tight rope we tread. But with that said.. there are folks and forces out there who want to see every Jew dead, but over my dead body #IstandWithIsrael And now I will conclude.. And I will be real with you. This religious s#%- gets on my everloving everlasting nerves. For if nothing else it betrays the collective common sense of the human race. My God is better than your god, were the chosen people, your religion is dumb, the end is coming. Because the earth is old, and Ice is cold, the Sun is Hot, I believe in God and I believe He/She/We/It/Whatever is Good. I believe God hears us when we pray and I beleve that people can be stupid, unthinking, and irrational. Apart from that, can I really know anything? No, everything else falls under my beliefs, what I think, and the differences between right and wrong. I believe the Holocaust was wrong, I believe that Hitler waa Evil and crazy (thinking he could exterminate my most resilient people) I am happy that Jews have a Homeland so that makes me a Zionist, so Blow A Trumpet In Zion, for the day of the Lord has Come. #Amen
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:46:13 +0000

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