I strongly disagree with this therapist for the following reasons: - TopicsExpress


I strongly disagree with this therapist for the following reasons: In my experience with the narcissist in my life, she didnt think anything was wrong and/or wrong with her. She was a very clever and seductive covert narcissist... highly toxic. For years, I together with my siblings dealt with gaslighting, triangulation and abandonment. For a narcissist to seek out therapeutic help for his/her issues makes me question whether or not this type of individual is truly a narcissist or is this a person who merely has a high degree of narcissism but not the full blown personality disorder? I am no expert so I am curious about this. For example, in the case of my mother, if I were to innocuously point out some wrong doing that she did to myself or another family member, I would experience one of the following responses: Rage caused by narcissistic injury; ignore what you said and totally change the subject; denial that it ever happened; minimize the situation by making it no big deal in other words from the narcs perspective lets move on because the hurt you feel is of no interest to me. In dealing with this from childhood, it negatively affected all the family members myself included. Narcissists lack humility and do not accept the truth of what they do. I would think that it is very difficult for mental health professionals to deal with them in therapy. In other words, the therapist will try to show the narcissist what the problem is and the narcissists solution is to stop therapy altogether or go to another therapist. This has been my experience with dealing with my narcissistic mother. Question to other NPD abuse survivors, do you agree with this therapist? Can a narcissist be healed? My answer is HELL NO!!! NO WAY, NO HOW!!!
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 22:24:15 +0000

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