I think it is already time to break my silence regarding the issue - TopicsExpress


I think it is already time to break my silence regarding the issue of Group Buying..Seems like the issue wont be resolved and die since a lot of people keep on resurrecting the issue whenever it seems forgotten or neglected.. By reading through posts, comments, and listening to both sides concerning the issue, heres what I can say.. I agree with what others would say that joining a group buy is like a gamble..even with beautiful, show type, high quality parents, there will only be at most around 40% chance you will get a fry that would have the features of either or both parents..That is given since flowerhorns are hybreeds and latest products are mostly made up of different gene mixed ups..And, as a buyer, you should be aware of that and should have already prepared yourself for the worst case scenarios..This part alone could already be considered as RISKY and you are already gambling at this point. Now, the issue was; some (or lets even say majority) of those who joined the group buy here in Iloilo (or lets even say from other parts of the country) were not satisfied with the fry they got from the group buy..Some hobbyists just accepted it and moved on, while there are others who just cannot accept what happened and kept on nagging and bringing the issue up..Im not pointing out specifically to any person or group of people or even claiming that it is only happening here in Iloilo since I have also heard it from other parts of the country as well where the group buy was also initiated and done, but of course its not that big of an issue compared to what is happening right now here in Iloilo.. So heres my analysis.. First of all, I would say that BOTH PARTIES (Seller & Buyers) have their own mistakes..Why did I say that? 1.) As a buyer, it is your obligation to CONDUCT A BACKGROUND CHECK FIRST regarding the seller..Is the seller legit? Does the seller had any previous issues regarding his/her transactions? If ever theres one, did the seller gave any solution to those issues? What are the solutions he/she gave? What were the positive and negative outcome of the previous groupbuys? Now, if the buyer has conducted a background check and found out that there were some issues that occurred during the sellers previous transactions, the buyer should already BE AWARE and should put into his/her mind that THOSE ISSUES MAY (OR MAY NOT) HAPPEN if ever he/she continues to do transactions with the said seller.. If the buyer proceeds with joining the groupbuy, then he/she should already have accepted into his/her self that he/she is PLAYING A GAMBLE WITH A HIGHER RISK..And if ever the buyer loses the gamble, then theres no one else to blame for that but he/she himself since he/she knew beforehand the possible risks.. 2.) As the seller, it is your obligation to PRODUCE/ PROVIDE QUALITY PRODUCTS to your customers as much as you can..Keep in mind that your name and reputation is on the line and a slight error or mistake may result to big issues that may destroy your credibility.. One little mistake that I can say was made by the seller was giving an assurance that buyers will get grade AAA fry once a certain number or orders or amount is reached..this is where all the issues started and keeps on getting worse since only a very small percentage of the fry can be considered as in that assured grade level.. All I can say about this is that: Never assure your buyers that a fry will turn out to be an MP since it is just a fry and what it will look like in the future when it grows is still unpredictable or unknown. As I understand, flowerhorns are just given grades when they already reach around 2 inches and above since its features are somewhat visible already to be graded. Exempted are those that already have very visible traits like very pearly and intense markings with visible coloration. 3.) In terms of grooming, I believe that all of those who acquired the fry from the groupbuy did their best in grooming the fry..a few became successful while most failed..In my opinion, grooming is only a way of further enhancing the features of a flowerhorn and making it reach its full potential..being a beautiful flowerhorn greatly depends on its genealogy and water conditioning..In my opinion, a month or two of grooming a fry, you will already have an idea whether it has a possible potential or not.. If I was among those who joined the groupbuy and was not satisfied with what I acquired, heres what I may have possibly done: I may have complained also, but only once. Yes, I may have spent an expensive amount of money into something useless, but I will accept the result and I also wont keep on reviving the issue or blame the seller since I FULLY UNDERSTAND THE RISKS BEFOREHAND FOR I HAVE CONDUCTED A FEW BACKGROUND CHECKS ALREADY AND STILL CONTINUED WITH JOINING THE GROUPBUY. That means if there is someone to blame, it is myself since I gambled but lost the gamble. After that, I would move on and forget about the issue. But one thing is for sure, I will already have doubts with doing another transaction with the seller. On the other hand, I will still keep on grooming the fry since it may be a late bloomer. My advise to those parties concerned: Be broad-minded and act professionally. Keep in mind that people are also observing you and are assessing your behavior on how you react and comment on posts.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 05:07:22 +0000

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