I think it was a certain amount of greed that drove the Jewish - TopicsExpress


I think it was a certain amount of greed that drove the Jewish Religious leaders to crucify Jesus. They saw the miracles He performed and the thousands of people He fed and touched but their desires and greed would not allow them to see what we today think should have been obvious. Of course as Believer’s we know that He left His throne in Heaven and was born so that He could die for us, to provide the salvation and eternal life that we could never obtain on our own. I also think the same analogy can be applied to the church in America. According to the numbers I found in my searches there are 247 million professing Christians (protestants) in the United States that has a total population of 315 million. There are hundreds of thousands of churches in America, so why is there no Christian impact on America? Why are so many churches from overseas sending missionaries to America to share the gospel? If Believer’s believe in God’s Holy Word, they have to know that not only did Jesus commission us to go and tell, to share His Gospel to a lost and dying world but we also have all the power and authority necessary to do anything God would call us to do! We have God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit to help us in our walk and witness. With all the sheer numbers of professing Believers and knowing we have power and authority to do God’s will, there can only be two reasons why there are still so many that have never heard about Jesus our Savior: It’s either greed, an awful lot of people are trying to keep Him to themselves OR the number of actual Believers are way less than the number of professing Believers!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:37:51 +0000

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