I think that I am in the midst of a paradigm shift that is moving - TopicsExpress


I think that I am in the midst of a paradigm shift that is moving me from level two to level three in terms of the words I use to label myself and others. I think it’s an important shift. I think I am going to stop using the following words to describe myself and others: “imperfect, mess, jacked-up, unstable., etc.” What I MEAN when I use these words is that we should embrace all of our humanity- the parts of ourselves that make us feel powerful AND the parts of ourselves that make us feel weak. What I MEAN when I say “Just show up all jacked up” is “Do what you need to do and bring your whole self. Don’t act. Don’t be one-dimensional. Refuse to be ashamed of any part of you. Be all of yourself, because when you are all of yourself, others consider the possibility of coming out of hiding, too. You can free other people to LIVE FULLY just by being FULLY HUMAN in front of them.” If we do not believe that “perfection” is something that human beings can or should be - why do we embrace the idea that we are “imperfect?” Don’t we need to have a specific idea of what “perfect” is in order to claim and celebrate being less or different than that? Doesn’t calling ourselves imperfect suggest that there is something “less than” about us because we are not something we are not even supposed to be? What is this definition of “perfect” we are comparing ourselves to that leads us to decide we are “imperfect?” Why should we define ourselves by something we are not? Shouldn’t humans remove ourselves completely from the scale of imperfection/perfection and just embrace the idea of being FULLY HUMAN? Because if you are lonely or angry or confused or a little lost that does not mean you are messy or unstable or IMPERFECT- that would mean that a “neat, stable, perfect” person was never angry or lonely or confused or lost. That sort of person is not perfect- that sort of person is non-existent. Isn’t celebrating being “imperfect” sort of the same as celebrating being an imunicorn? I can’t get it to make sense in my head. If we experience ups and downs in our lives and highs and lows to our days and loneliness and impatience and jealously and despair and sometimes we give up but then we try again eventually and if we have big breakdowns and even bigger breakthroughs and if sometimes we’re sad or angry or confused or lost- we are not IMPERFECT. Because the opposite of all of that is not perfection - it’s death or numbness. If we claim all of that as our experience down here aren’t we just claiming to be FULLY HUMAN WITH NO SHAME ABOUT BEING HUMAN? We live in a wonderful, terrible world. Life is imperfect, and the world is messy. You are neither. You are simply a fully human, fully feeling human being in an imperfect world. Kay. Thanks. Words are REALLY important to me and I’m just trying to learn to use the right ones. LOVE. #carryonwarrior
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 14:41:19 +0000

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