I thought you may find this interesting if you didnt already know. - TopicsExpress


I thought you may find this interesting if you didnt already know. TRUTH is Power...Be EMPOWERED... These are the words of Eli Hernandez..I absolutely agree w/ him except the part about President Obama. ;) read for yourselves. https://youtube/watch?v=r78rxqeaz3o#t=176 True. Slavery did not begin in Europe with the Romans and their descendants or the Vikings and their descendants although slavery in Europe as in all other places where it existed was native to the populations, meaningthey were not introduced to slavery by people outside of their own native culture. Slavery was a native phenomenon among many cultures in Asia and Africa predating Europens. Almost all slavery in Asia, Africa, and Europe was of the kind of indentured servitude, meaning the slave or a family member of the slave had an unpaid debt he was legally responsible for and was held as a servant or worker until the debt was paid off, or of the kind of War slaves, meaning slaves were made of prisoners taken from those that were defeated in battles. In the former however unfair and inhumane it may have been the person was not likely born a slave and could have the hope of buying or merriting their way out of slavery. The latter were people who also were not born slaves and who would have likely made slaves of at least some of those they defeated in battle. War slaves could also have the hope of buying or merriting their freedom. All of the slaves in the Bible and for almost all of recorded History were of the two kinds of slaves just described. Then there came slavery to the United States. At first, in preconstitutional America, slavery was no different than that already described. Then came the European Colonization of Africa and the West Africa slave market. This West African Slave Trade represented a departure from previous generations of slavery in Europe closely followed in the United States and was essentially an industrialization of slavery where a certain kind of human being was exploited as a slave and harvested nly on the basis of their ethnicity, that is their skin color (dark black Africans) and their geographic location (Western Coastal Africa). That alone spoke volumes as to the total immorality of this type of slavery, which in both Europe and The United States had become a generational institution for the Descendants of the original Africans kidnapped, harvested like fruits, and put on ships without knowledge or consent and without aggression or vice on their part personally as human beings, to become the forced laborers and servants of wealthy Europeans and their American descendants. So for the first time in recorded human History we have people being horn slaves and kept slaves throughut their lives unable in almost all cases to even merrit or buy their freedom generation after generation only because they were dark skinned and their descendants from West Africa. In Europe the institution of West African Slavery was reduced severely by the 18th century and no longer existed by the 19th century. In the United States where a small minority of Plantatin owning Southern Farmers relied on Slave Labor for their exorbitant wealth from cotton, which gave them hegemenous political power in the south, the institution of generational West African Slavery was doubled down on and by the mid 19th century was brutal and violent and demonic as does not bear retelling. By 1850s no one born a slave could ever expext to do anything but die a slave and after the Supreme Court decision and Majority opinion by Chief Justice Taney in the late 1850s Black Southern Slavery became Legally Enforced as a Generational Institution that no Descendant of West African Slaves any where in the United States could ever expect to be rid of and could now never buy, merrit, or be set from by even their owners. All West African Slaves were considered property only and had no right or legal or social recourse to by which to ever be free of their condition of Slavery. Truly Satan had taken Full Charge of Slavery. Thus, where White men did not start slavery the kind of Slavery that existed before the European and North American West African Slave Trade, including among African Tribes who enslaved other Africans, had no relation to the Generational Industrialized Slavery of The Plantation South, nor with of the Legal status of those Slaves as pure property who had no way out of slavery and whose children had no way out of slavery. Where I agree that the modern day issues affecting Blacks negatively in the United States require a break from the past and an acceptance of personal moral responsibity and self empowerment, and where I agree that the welfare state Great Society policies of Johnson and the late civil rights era were a negative for the continued emancipation of African Americans in the United States, After listening to the individual inbthis video for 2 minutes I can say with clear conscience he is a charlatan that does not know or is deliberately ignorant of what he claims to know. As for this crazy clowns statement that the most racist thing in American History was the election of Barack Husein Obama? That is so incredibly assinine and absurd and offensive in the light of the more than 350 years of White Supremacy on this Continent and the more 190 years of the Oligarchy of White Anglo Saxon Protestant Plutocratic Social-Economic Political Supremacy enforced violently against minorities especially Blacks, Indians, and Mexicans that any educated Christian minded person cannot stay silent after hearing it. I do not support Obamas Presidency and believe he has turned out to be a seriously deficient moral and social leader. I think that his pandering to racial conflict and strife as we have seen in his commentary through the incidents such as the ones involving Henry Louis Gates, a top professor at Harvard and part of the 1 to 10% of the richest Ameruicans, as well as with the more recent attempts to put himself on the side of poor black people by speaking divisively in the case in Ferguson where he essentially supported criminals and rioters is reprehensible and merely a public manifestation that Obama is just another Corrupt Politician. But I cannot defend or ignore the nightmare of institutionalized racism in this Country and how American Slavery was the unique creation of a bunch of degenerate Satan Worshipers whose Descendants the KKK even call their leader The Dragon. White Supremacy in the United States was so vile and deeply rooted that it conqured one of the Earths largest Continents. The British Crowns Colonization of this Continent truly makes on recall the words of the Revelation in 13:1, And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea Fortunately Jesus Christ used it for the progress of His Kingdom and along with the beast on these shores came the remnant of The Bride of the Lamb.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 23:35:59 +0000

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