I told ya its FINE to park where ever you like in Cork and people - TopicsExpress


I told ya its FINE to park where ever you like in Cork and people didnt believe me for a long time.. Life is backwards in Ireland and especially in Cork, when you park your car, van or whatever you have in Cork some lunatic used come over to you wearing a hat giving you a compliment by handing you a peice of paper saying that your Parking is Fine where Fine basically means its ok or no problem happened. Do people not find it very strange that the very legal words these private for profit companies use is FINE.. We never actually had a parking prosecution companies in cork, we only ever had Parking Compliment companies here.. Where companies go around Cork telling everyone they parking is actually Fine and hope they are stupid enough to misinterpret what they mean and you stupidly give them money.. You will only ever realize the true debt of this scam when you confront the court system and thats Fine Office. If you ever went in and say or shout.. GIVE ME BACK ALL MY MONEY AS THIS IS A BIG SCAM YEE ROBBING FUKERS, what they say in response is Sorry we didnt actually take your money, you gave it to us on voluntary compliance we said it was Fine.. Bing.. the biggest scam in Irish history exposed.. You see in Ireland it is illegal to rob anyone money or force anyone to give you any money.. But you can tell them its Fine to give you money in the hope that they will voluntary forfeit there finances to you by there own consent. In Ireland at the moment there is actually not one Judge who can prove that the word Fine means Problem happened, give me all your money, your in trouble now.... Do you not find it strange how our current bullshit legal system use a word called Fine to try and take everyones money.. How can the word Fine mean both everything is ok that nothing happened and give me all your money... This is infact the biggest commercial scam in Irish history.. In Irish language the word Fine translates to go deas or go bragh, meaning its grand, no problem happened, everything is well.. It never says anything about being negative. Also shur even in accordance with english language and the laws gardai are trying to uphold, shur how could Fine mean anything bad? Shur we have a political party registered in English language as Fine Gael, So are the Gardai trying to tell us Fine Gael is a criminal organisation? as id nearly agree in a way if they were honest and just said it.. So the question which needs to be asked are Fine Gael behind all the commercial extortion and robbery of Fines in Ireland? Dont ever pay a Fine shur if its a Fine then its ok and no problem happened in the first place anyway so what is the problem? Some people speak about Blacks Law Dictionary but Blacks Law Dictionary doesnt really mean much as a Judge cant really come out and say he is using a different dictionary to everyone else, even do we all know it, he cant exactly say it.. its all based on consent, so if you just rock up to court without previously rebutting there claim on what the word Fine means you are therefore consenting to what they believe the word Fine to mean, so its about rebutting there claim and stating what you believe the word to mean. From that point on they need to prove there claim which they cant what are they going to do prove Fine Gael to be a criminal organisation shur half the judges were politically appointed by Fine Gael :-) Some people say just cut the clamp, they can then correspond with you rather than you corresponding with them, as its much cheaper and resolved on the spot.. Please share your interesting ideas on how to have a little fun with the system here, please feel free to attach funny interesting video clips also...
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 16:31:36 +0000

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