I tried becoming a vegan. It lasted about an hour and a half - TopicsExpress


I tried becoming a vegan. It lasted about an hour and a half because I kept making exceptions for stuff I liked to eat that clashed with that vegan lifestyle. I eat a lot of veggies anyway simply because I like vegetables, so I get a little vegan credit. My moms idea was not to eat anything that could look back at her or had paws. We ate a lot of chicken unless one looked at her. What about these vegans that wont eat meat, but will feed their pets meat based dog food.? Where do they think that comes from-road kill? I guess I am the antithesis of natural living. I hope scientists genetically engineer everything. We need some new stuff anyway. Bring on those six legged turtles. If you ever lived on a farm or ranch, you know some of that natural stuff has some nasty stuff in it that can be engineered to be less harmful. Dont get me started on healthcare. I am the FDAs dream. I will happily take any new proven drug or procedure that has passed their desks. I am rolling the dice in the name of science. Everyone else can suffer naturally with natural diseases. Natural death? All death is natural. It is as certain as life, but I want it all when it starts knocking. Plug in those machines, call in the National Guard, bring in a air compressor and page the surgeon general. I can live happily as a head on a skateboard. I am highly adaptable. I am not an organ donor, which is good because no one would want my used parts anyway. At one time, I wanted to buried with all my parts, but when I started loosing them and the doctor refused to put my gall bladder in a baby food jar, I had to let that one go. When I finally kick the bucket, pump my carcass with so many preservatives that fossil hunters centuries later will consider my body a real find and display me in a museum under glass. Gotta go, gonna get every flu shot available.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 21:33:44 +0000

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